Gogol "Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends. The fact that this word
Pushkin, when I read the following verses of the ode to Derzhavina Khrapovitsky:
For words let me gnaws,
In case satirist honors, [2] --
said: "Derzhavin not quite right: the words of the poet's essence is his case." Pushkin rights. Poet on the field of speech should be as immaculate as any other in his career. If the writer will justify what some circumstances, the former reason insincerity, or rashness or haste of his hasty words, and then every unjust judge may excuse the fact that he took bribes and sold justice, putting the blame on their distresses, his wife, the large family, in a word - you never know what could be referred. The man suddenly will be a close circumstances. Posterity does not care who was to blame [3], that the writer said, stupidity or absurdity, or put it lightly, and generally immature. It will not disassemble, who pushed his arm: a short-sighted friend, encouraged him to ranovremennuyu activity, whether the journalist, who had attended only the benefit of his magazine. Posterity will not take in respect of any favoritism, nor journalists, nor his own poverty and predicament. It will rebuke him, not them. Why did you not resist anti all this? But you could feel himself the title of his honesty, after all you are able to prefer it to other, more profitable jobs and did not do this because of some fantasy, but because in itself heard at the call of God, you're also received a supplement to the mind , who has seen farther, wider and deeper things than those that you push it. Why you were a kid and not her husband, got everything you need for your husband? In short, even some ordinary writer could have justified circumstances, but not Derzhavin. He was too hurt yourself that is not burned for at least an entire half of his odes. This half of the OD is a striking phenomenon: no one had hitherto so do not laugh at himself, over his best sacred beliefs and feelings, as did Derzhavin in that unhappy part of his odes. Just as he struggled here painted a caricature of himself: all that is in other places he is so beautiful, so free, so imbued with inner spiritual power of fire, it is cold, heartless and coercion, and worst of all - is repeating the same momentum, expressions and even whole phrases that have the manners of an eagle in his odes and animate that there are ridiculous and resemble something like a dwarf wore a giant shell, but still not as it should. How many people are now pronounces judging Derzhavin, based on his banal odes. How many doubted the sincerity of his feelings just because they have found in many places, expressed weakly and heartless; some suggestive talk were formed on its very nature, the spiritual nobility and even the integrity of the very justice for which he stood. And all because they did not burned something that should be burned. A friend of our n ... n has a habit, otryvshi, whatever came to hand, the line of the famous writer, the same hour they tisnut in his journal, is not weighed carefully, to the credit or whether it is to dishonor him. It strengthens the case known caveat journalists: "We hope that readers and posterity will appreciate the message so precious lines, in every great man worthy of curiosity" [4] - and so forth. All this is nonsense. Any fine reader will appreciate, but posterity would spit on these precious lines, if they heartlessly repeat what is already known, and if you do not breathe on their most holy of what should be sacred. What is the truth above, so you have to be careful with them, otherwise they suddenly turn into common places, but a general duty not to believe. Not so much evil have made themselves atheists, what made the evil hypocritical or even just uncooked propovedateli God who dared to utter his name unhallowed lips. Contact with the word should be honest. It is the supreme gift of God to man. The trouble pronouncing him a writer in those days, when he was under the influence of passion, anger, or rage, or some personal dislike to anyone whatsoever, in a word - in those days, when I came back in harmony to his own soul: of it is released word that all oprotiveet. And then with the pure desire of goodness can make evil. He's our friend, Mr. P ... a guarantee: it was in a hurry all my life, hastening to share everything with their readers, tell them all that he was gathering himself, without investigating, whether the idea has matured in his own mind in such a way so as to be close and accessible all, in a word - he showed the reader a whole in all its untidiness. And what happened? Whether readers noticed the noble and beautiful impulses, which he flashed quite often? took it from him what he wanted them to share? No, they saw in him alone slovenliness and untidiness, which primarily noticed a man, and nothing from him was not accepted. Thirty years of work and fussing like an ant, this man, hastening his whole life pass quickly into the hands of all of all that was found in favor of teaching and education to Russian ... And no one told him thank you, no one grateful young man I met, who would say that he owes him some new light or a great desire for goodness, which would have inspired his word. On the contrary, I have even had to argue and stand up for themselves purity of intentions and the sincerity of his words in front of these people, who seem able to understand it. It was difficult to even convince anyone, because he managed to disguise themselves as to all that absolutely no opportunity to show it in the form of what he really is. Does he talk about patriotism, he spoke about it so that his patriotism seems venal, the love of a king who feeds it sincerely and faithfully in his heart, he express himself in a way that resembles the one cringing and some selfish gratification. His sincere, unfeigned anger anti any direction, harmful Russia, expressed by him as he would have filed a denunciation of some of some, he was one of famous people. In short, at every step he is a liar. It is dangerous to trifle with the word writer. The word nasty but does not come from your mouth [5] If this should apply to all of us, without exception, then how many times more than it should be applied to those whose career - and that word is defined to talk about the beautiful and sublime. The trouble, if the objects of the holy and exalted be distributed corrupt speech, let's better hear a word about the rotten rotten things. All the great educators of people long silence is imposed on those who possessed the gift of speech, it was in those days and at a time when most like to flaunt their words and soul yearned to say, even a lot of useful people. They heard how you can discredit what you are trying to raise, and how at every step our language is our betrayer. "We impose the door and locks on your mouth, [6] - Jesus says Sirah - Melt the gold and silver, what you have, so make them scale that weighed to your word, and to forge a strong jaw, which would have kept your mouth."
1. Addressee unknown letters. This chapter overlaps with the extract of the interpretation of St.. John Chrysostom on the 140 th Psalm, contained in Gogol's collection of excerpts from works of the holy fathers and teachers of the Orthodox Church, composed no later than March 1844 Here is this passage, called Gogol's "On the word" entirely.
"Language is such a member, we talk with God, through which rises to Him praise. This is Job Observing, therefore, and not utter a single obscene word, in contrast, for the most part remained silent, and when, and he ought to speak with his wife, then uttered the words, full of philosophy. For should speak only when the conversation is more useful silence. Because Christ said: Every idle word hedgehog rekut chelovetsy, give honor to him on the floor. And Paul: the word nasty but does not come from your mouth. And how can we maintain the door in safety and have over her precise observation, this is what says (Syrah): the whole story of your law in the Most High. For, if ta train yourself not to say anything too much, on the contrary, constantly going to talk on the Holy Scriptures hold harmless and thought, and opened her mouth, then your guardian will be harder than adamant.
And you, when you see that someone is in need of emotional or physical healing, do not tell me: why such-and-so is not cured him? but he deliver the patient's illness and do not require all of the report in their neglect of him. After all, if you will notice is that the gold coin, it does not say why such-and-so did not raise it, but hurry to grab it before anyone else. So argued and fallen brothers and care for them considered for finding the treasure. For if you spill on it, like oil, floor exercises, if obvyazhesh his meekness, if uvrachuesh patience, it will enrich you more than any treasure. Ashche izvedeshi honor of the unworthy, Thou shalt my mouth, says the Lord (Jer 13, 19) "(RR CSL Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. F Gogh. 78 S. 45)
"A friend of our VP .... N" - Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin (1800-1875), a famous historian, writer and journalist, who by his tactless behavior in relation to Gogol no one gave him grief (see eg., Comment. To to 43) is characteristic inscription on the copy of Gogol's Selected Passages ... ":
"Dirtiness and disheveled soul Pogodin, who remembers nothing, at any step deemed insulting to others and to not seeing Thomas wrong, shortsighted and rude yardstick measures the people, gives this book an everlasting reminder of the sins of his people, as a sinner, as he , and much more slovenly him. " This autograph Pogodin pasted in his diary for 1847 (now preserved in the Manuscripts Division of the former Rumyantsev Library). In the first edition several sharp lines on Pogodina were deleted by the censor. Many friends of Gogol, including S. Aksakov T and S P Shevyrev, were outraged invective Gogol. Shevyrev refused to engage in a second edition of "Selected Passages ...", requiring exceptions to them all that compromises Pogodin. In response, Gogol has decided to put in a new edition of an article entitled "On the dignity of essays and literary works Pogodin. This idea remained unrealized.
2. From a poem by the Derzhavin "Khrapovitsky" (1797).
3. Here Gogol confesses own sin. February 6, 1842 he wrote to PA Pletnev on the publication of the first volume of "Dead Souls": "... what can I do: I have no more money was left. The reference to "circumstances that are important for only one of the author" and preceded the first poem of Gogol "Ganz Kyuhelgarten". Also, issuing "Arabesque", Gogol admitted: "lack of time and circumstances of <...> does not allow me to quietly and carefully review their manuscripts ..." Summing it all, Gogol fed between 1 and 14 December Mr. Art. 1844 PA Pletnev: "Steep circumstances forced me to give some time before the works on which I have not had time to even look at my then-eyes, not only the modern, bright and in what form I showed all their ignorance and slovenliness and disgraced by his own words what he wanted to raise.
4. Probably, Gogol contested here judgment Pushkin from the article "Voltaire" (Sovremennik. 1836. Kn. 3): "Every line of the great writer is precious to posterity. We note with curiosity at the autographs, even though they were nothing but a fragment of the expense book or a note to tailor the deferred payment. We could not help striking thought that a hand inscribed these humble figures, these insignificant words, the same handwriting, and, perhaps, in the same pen and wrote a great creation, the object of our study and admiration. "
5. Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians (Chapter 4, Art. 29).
6. Gogol cites the Book of Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach (Ch. 28, Art. 28-29). In the tradition of the Eastern Church (unlike the West) this book is considered non-canonical and therefore do not have the quality of divinely inspired, though anciently seen as a deeply instructive for those who are searching for lessons of wisdom and piety, especially for joining the church. The Holy Fathers often use this book in their writings, synodal translation of the site reads: "Tie your silver and gold, and for thy words thou shalt make the weight and measure, and your mouth - and lock the door." How translation enjoyed Gogol - unknown. Perhaps it was his own translation.
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