Старый 29.05.2023, 00:19 Язык оригинала: Русский       #1
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По умолчанию collages on the theme of the war in Ukraine

The destroyed museum of Grigory Skovoroda in the Kharkov region.
collage 60x40 cm. Corrugated cardboard, acrylic, printer, 2022. author Vito Katorgi

Ukraine in the dark (rolling blackouts in the winter of 2022-2023
collage 30x20 cm. Corrugated cardboard, acrylic, printer, 2022. author Vito Katorgi

Ukraine will win!
collage 20x15 cm. Corrugated cardboard, acrylic, printer, 2022. author Vito Katorgi

bomb shelter in the center of Lviv, March 2022
collage 30x20 cm. Corrugated cardboard, acrylic, printer, 2022. author Vito Katorgi
painting Vito Katorgi

Последний раз редактировалось katorgin; 29.05.2023 в 00:59.
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