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Запись от Про искусство размещена 22.09.2013 в 15:11

Shekspir_shkolnyy" < br />
« Shall we , my friends, our take on William Shakespeare ?"
Personally, I'm interested in Shakespeare in high school when I read the program is the tragedy of "Hamlet ." Then was surprised to learn of the anthology of medieval literature , the story of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet , do not belong to William Shakespeare.
In English classes I said that my favorite writer , William Shakespeare . But I was always concerned by the question : who is the actual author of the famous tragedies ?
I am not a Shakespeare scholars , though , and wrote several articles about the genius poet. And recently , to solve the mystery of Shakespeare, I visited the home of the great playwright - in Stratford -upon-Avon .

In Stratford -upon-Avon thriving cult of Shakespeare. This is the greatest myth , which has been two years of feeding the residents of Stratford and the whole of England . There's even a built Shakespeare Theatre and Shakespeare Center . Here come the Shakespeare scholars and amateurs from all over the world.

All Shakespeare scholars were divided into two groups: " stratfordiantsy " believe that the author is William Shakespeare , " antistratfordiantsy " prove that the name of Shakespeare's hiding someone else .

Investors and " stratfordiantsy " foaming at the mouth to argue the genius of his hero , protecting the money invested. One of the apologists said, " even if Shakespeare will rise from the grave and admits that did not write his plays , we would still not believe ."

In the Soviet Union to study the mystery of Shakespeare discouraged. State ideology in the conviction that "proletarian" may be a genius . The myth of the proletarian writer Mikhail Sholokhov , who wrote the novel "And Quiet Flows the Don" , akin to the myth of William Shakespeare. I have dedicated this article, " The Mystery of the Quiet Don ».

Who is actually William Shakespeare , long time no one was interested . Only 100 years after Shakespeare's death began to search for manuscripts and documents the author of the great tragedies. However, so far there is no evidence that someone took him by the writer.

According to his official biography , William Shakespeare (or rather, Shakspir ) was born April 23, 1564 in Stratford -upon-Avon (Yorkshire ), a wealthy , but not a noble family. William's father was engaged in the manufacture of gloves and traded wool. Although he was illiterate , but was elected a member of the city council and even the city judge.

In the parish register has an entry in Latin baptism April 26, 1564 : «Gulielmus, filius Johannes Shaksper». William was the third child ( and first son ) of eight children of Mary Arden and her husband John Shakspira .

The house where Shakespeare was born , has survived to the present day. In 2001, archaeologists from South Africa spent in the yard digging and found a few fragments of smoking pipes , which found traces of marijuana.
The house where Shakespeare died , does not exist , it is now an empty space . But there is still the prowl for precious manuscripts. Maybe soon for tourists and restore this house .

accepted if William was in school, although lists of students did not survive. We were offered two pounds to visit the school of the time , but did not argue that the future great playwright studied here . Kept lists of students for the end of the 16th century. The name of William Shakespeare does not appear in them . It is known that the University of Shakespeare never learned .

At 18 years young , William married the daughter of a prosperous farmer Anne Hathaway , who was his senior by eight years.
We visited the home of Anne Hathaway , the only surviving timber-framed house at the time.
While girls under 18 are not allowed out of the house: the farm has always needed an extra hand , and to marry , it is necessary dowry.
Anne Hathaway was from a wealthy family, as Shakespeare loved money .

In Ann were good reasons to get married : first, she wanted to get away from the parental home and be free independent woman , and secondly, she did not want to remain a spinster and wanted to have children , in addition, she was already pregnant with William .

wedding took place on November 27, 1582 , and six months later had a daughter, Suzanne . In February 1585 gave birth to twins : a son and daughter Judith Hamlet .

As Shakespeare lived next 7-8 years , there is no reliable data . It is believed that young Shakespeare was an assistant butcher. Earnings are not enough, and to feed his family , William poaching in the grounds of a local landowner . For the murder of Sir Thomas Lucy's deer Charlikout sued . Hives nothing to do but to get away from their home town , leaving his wife and children.

Tradition says that William had run away with a traveling theater troupe . The women of that time did not have the documents and on the stage , they did not play . William took advantage of it , and , disguised as a woman , fled from Stratford to London.
The more he in his native city is not dropped in for fear of prosecution, but his wife and children regularly sent money .

In London, Shakespeare got to guard the horses at the theater wealthy spectators. In the late 80s he joined the troupe R.Berbedzha . Shakespeare was a bad actor , he sometimes trusted supporting roles , like the ghost of Hamlet's father .

Since 1595 Shakespeare is referred to as co-owner of " Troupes of Lord Chamberlain ," and four years as co-owner of the theater " Globe" . However, there is no documented indication that any of the actors of the troupe "Globe" Shakespeare believed playwright.
If the playwright Shakespeare and was known , in a very narrow range. The really became popular only in the XIX century , that is, two centuries later . In connection with the change of the political situation, he was lauded as a playwright number one in England.

Under the name " William Shakespeare" published 37 plays , 154 sonnets , poems 4 . Most of the works are written for 24 years from 1589 to 1613 . In this case, there is no record that Shakespeare received a literary fee . The owner of the theater "Rose" Philip Henslow , in which Shakespeare's plays were staged , carefully recorded the payment of all reviewers. But the playwright William Shakespeare in his books were found. There are none in the surviving archives of theater " Globe" .


First , who questioned the authorship of Shakespeare, his contemporary, was an English writer Robert Greene. He graduated from the university , he wrote and staged plays good . Green could not handle the success of an obscure provincial. In 1592, in his pamphlet " On the penny mind, bought a million of repentance " Green , referring to fellow playwrights , warns them not to trust the roguish actors : " ... there is among them a crow - upstart decorated our plumage, who is with the heart of a tiger in skin actor ... fancies himself the only shaker scenes in the country ... " .

« Shaker scene " could only be Shakspir William - his name is Shake-speare is translated as " stunning spear ."
Works of Shakespeare, included in the large folio 1623 , signed by the name «William Shakespeare», whereas all the known autographs of the Stratford actor read as «William Shakspere».

William Shakespeare did not leave behind any one of the manuscript. His signature ( and that illegible ) he set only once - at his will .
Professor Vladimir found three signatures and 6 crosses made ​​by hand of Shakespeare.

Boris Pasternak, translated the works of Shakespeare , was convinced that the plays written by a man associated with the theater of everyday bustle - visible hasty daily work of maintenance of the current repertoire, and hence the mass of errors, misprints and contradictions of the text.

I am a supporter of "historical method" in literary criticism , and I believe that the text can be understood only in the context of the historical circumstances of its creation.
I watched a few productions of Shakespeare's " Hamlet" at the Alexandrine theater, "Measure for Measure" in the theater of the Leningrad City Council , "Richard III» theater " Satyricon" Konstantin Raikin. And everywhere the tragedy played out in modern dress with a clear hint of what is happening today .

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There is a view whose supporters (" antistratfordiantsy ") deny the authorship of Shakespeare ( SHaksper ) of Stratford , and believe that " William Shakespeare " is the pseudonym under which lurked a person or group individuals. Among the " antistratfordiantsev " was Charles Dickens , John Galsworthy , Bernard Shaw, George Washington , Mark Twain, Sigmund Freud and many others.

Colonel Joseph Hart suggested that Shakespeare " bought or procured by stealth " plays by other authors , which are subsequently " SEASONS obscenity , profanity and filth ."

priest James Wilmot was a passionate admirer of Shakespeare. When Wilmot was commissioned to write a biography of an idol , he spent 15 years unsuccessfully sought manuscripts of Shakespeare. And in 1785 , James Wilmot speculated that the real author of the famous tragedy was Francis Bacon .

Englishwoman Delia Bacon in 1857 wrote the book " Unveiled philosophy of Shakespeare's plays ." She first made ​​the assumption that the real author of Shakespeare's plays had a large circle of like-minded people led by Francis Bacon - the famous English philosopher , writer , composer and mathematician.

Francis Bacon
 Shekspir_Frensis Bacon

Francis Bacon led alliance Rosicrucians. The first literary opus of the band Rosicrucians were two poems that are written on the subject of Ovid. One of them is the "Venus and Adonis ", which is credited to Shakespeare .
However, Bacon's Dictionary of 8000 words , while the vocabulary of Shakespeare 20,000 words!

In 1901, Hemingway ordered stilometricheskoe one study of ten Shakespeare's contemporaries on the subject of authorship brilliant tragedies. It turned out that none of the ten most famous poets of that time approached according to Shakespeare .

individual authorship of Shakespeare's works have tried to attribute the Earl of Derby , Earl of Essex , the playwright Christopher Marlowe and even the Queen Elizabeth I.


Of the 63 candidates for the role of Shakespeare is the clear leader . In 2008 he published a book of Marina Litvinovoj " Vindication of Shakespeare ." The author defends the version if the works of Shakespeare were created by two authors - Francis Bacon and Manners, fifth Earl of Retlendom .

There is a version that actually Shakespeare was Italian . Allegedly, he was born in Sicily and his name was Michelangelo Krolalantsa . Fleeing the Inquisition, he moved to England and changed his name .

Scientists have more than fifty versions of who could hide under the name of Shakespeare . The fact is that the life of Stratford Shakspira contradicts scale creative genius playwright . Of Shakespeare that he knew French, Italian , Latin, Greek, loosely guided in the history of England and the ancient world. In addition , the playwright well versed in law, diplomacy, music , botany , medicine, the military and naval matters .

However, there is no evidence that the beehives received some education . The house was not Shakespeare's books , all family members were illiterate. It is still not found a single copy of a play or sonnet written by Shakespeare's hand .

One British newspaper has published 10 little-known facts about the author of "Hamlet ." Lexical Dictionary of works by William Shakespeare is 15,000 different words , while the contemporary English translation of the King James Bible - only 5000 .

Many experts doubt that the poorly educated son of a craftsman could be a very rich vocabulary. Shakespeare never went to university and did not go abroad , do not have access to high society .

The modern Englishman with higher education consume no more than 4 thousand words . Shakespeare as reported OED , has entered the English language around 3200 new words - more than his literary contemporaries Bacon, Johnson and Chapman together .


Ben Johnson - English playwright , who left the memories of William Shakespeare, saying that Shakespeare "poorly mastered Latin and Greek knew even worse ."
But the texts of Shakespeare's plays argue that the creator of the immortal tragedies knew not only Latin, but Italian, versed in Greek. In the play "Henry V» whole scene is written in French.

The plot of " Hamlet " is taken from the book of French Belfort , translated into English only in a hundred years. The plot of " Othello " and " The Merchant of Venice " are borrowed from Italian collections, also appeared in English only in the XVIII century. The story of "Two Gentlemen of Verona " ( Romeo and Juliet ) is taken from the Spanish pastoral novel, until the play was never published in English.

One of the " trump card " supporters " stratfordianskoy " version is the fact that the publication in June 1593 of the first works of Shakespeare (the poem "Venus and Adonis" ), which was his last name. However, as the " Venus and Adonis" was not included in the large folio 1623 . Moreover, the sheet of paper with the name of Shakespeare was zafaltsovan in a ready-made book!

In 1906, Count Leo Tolstoy (a dictionary of which less than half of Shakespeare ) published an essay "On Shakespeare and drama ," which is very critical about the work of the English playwright.
«... Shakespeare can not accept not only a great , brilliant , but even the most mediocre writer ... Every man of our time, if he was not under the suggestion that this drama is the height of perfection, would be enough to read it to the end, if only he had tired of this patience to make sure that it is not only the top perfect, but is very bad, sleazy composite work , which ... among us can not produce anything but disgust .... »

known American historian and writer Paul Straits argues that the great playwright William Shakespeare really is Edward de Vere , 17th Earl of Oxford . He wrote under the pseudonym of Shakespeare and was the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth.

EDWARD de Vere Earl of Oxford
 Shekspir_Eduard de Vere Earl of Oxford

This version adheres to the same director of" Anonymous , " Roland Emmerich . According to Roland Emmerich , Shakespeare - it's Edward de Vere , 17th Earl of Oxford . In the movie " Anonymous ," the Earl of Oxford offers the famous Elizabethan playwright Ben Jones put his plays under his name. "In my circle of plays do not write ," - explains the graph .


The film " Anonymous " has been called by critics " a mockery of British history and the brazen insult to the viewer's imagination ." However, as the Hollywood film " Shakespeare in Love " , a scenario which is also built on a myth .

About Edward de Vere documented known that he traveled a lot , was in Italy and Greece. In addition, Edward de Vere was involved in the life of the royal court , while actor William Shakespeare of Stratford could not know the structure of court life .

The weak link in the argument " oksfordiantsev " is the fact that after the death of Count Oxford has appeared eleven of Shakespeare's plays . Earl was no reason not to hide , because it was at one time a very famous poet , and not only wrote , but also printed .

In June 2004, the American scientist Robin Williams said that Shakespeare was actually a woman , namely Mary Countess of Oxford's Pembroke ( 1561-1621 ) . According to the scientist, the Countess of composing great works of literature , but could not openly write for the theater , which at that time in England was considered immoral. So she decided to write plays under the name of Shakespeare .


at the end of the last century, a group of enthusiasts decided to nominate for the Nobel Prize Ilya Gililova , who published a study of " The Game of William Shakespeare, or the great mystery of the Phoenix . "

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