Старый 06.08.2008, 19:25 Язык оригинала: Русский       #1
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По умолчанию Vasnetsov AM (1856-1933), Russian artist

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Today, August 6, in 1856 - was born Apollinaris Vasnetsov (06.08.1856 - 23.01.1933), artist.

Born in with. Ryabov, Vyatka Province. The younger brother of the famous Viktor Vasnetsov, known far less Apollinary Vasnetsov was not a shadow of his timid, and had quite a distinctive talent. He has not received systematic art education. His school was a direct communication and collaboration with major Russian artists: his brother, I. Repin, VD Polenov etc.

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The young artist is most interested in landscape. Earlier his work (1880-s.) Are not free from the influences of older contemporaries. Gradually gaining skill and strength, the artist seeks to create a generalized image, in which he will be able to fully express its maximum depth, intimate sense of connection with their native land, with the Motherland. The best thing of this period is called - "Motherland" (1886). It is no coincidence A. Vasnetsov becomes mature and original master, which is drawn to the image familiar to him from childhood, the nature of the Russian North.

In 1890 and early 1900's. He wrote his most significant works: "Taiga in the Urals. Blue Mountain" (1891), "Siberia" (1894), "Kama" (1895), "Northern Territory" (1899), "Lake" (1902), etc. This is not a quiet, poetic Russia, but Russia primeval force and indiscriminate sweep, the one that gives birth to the mighty warriors, defenders, and dashing Udaltsov-robbers. At the turn of the century for the love of Russian history, the beauty of the old life and old monuments of Moscow in the artist creates a new genre - a particular type of historical landscape in which A. Vasnetsov trying to revive the character and life itself before Peter the Great in Moscow. In this task, organically combined Vasnetsov artist Vasnetsov and researcher.

Here he was not alone, while the re-creation of life and the lives of pre-Petrine Russia and other artists involved - AP Ryabushkin, SV Ivanov. But as a connoisseur of ancient Russian architecture Vasnetsov had no equal. With pleasure the artist immersed in the almost fairytale unusual and brilliance of the architecture ( "Street in China Town. Beginning of the XVII century," Moskvoretsky Bridge and Water Gate. The middle of XVII century ", both 1900;" Saints stone bridge. End of XVII Century, 1901). Moscow at the time of foundation ( "Foundation in Moscow. The construction of the first walls of the Kremlin, Yuri Dolgoruky in 1156, 1917) and in the XIV century. ( "The Moscow Kremlin with Dmitry Donskoy", 1922), Moskva chinnaya almost beneficent ( "Area of Ivan the Great in Moscow. XVII Century, 1903) and Moscow's tragic, terrible (" Moscow XVI century torture chamber ", 1912). A huge series of works in oils and watercolor.

Simultaneously, the artist continued to write and "ordinary" landscapes, but the strength and scope of work 1890 - early 1900's. in them he had not reached. Like many of the leading artists of the era, A. Vasnetsov worked extensively in the theater. With theatrical creativity, he has touched in the 1880-ies. in Abramtsevo, estate Mamontov, when together with other members of the Mamontov circle wrote the scenery for "living pictures" and home productions. In 1897, Mamontov invited artist draw staging Khovanshchina Mussorgsky in the Moscow Private Opera. Story of Russian history, the end of the XVII century. demanded Vasnetsova meticulous historical (and archaeological) reconstruction. Among other theatrical works Vasnetsov (after the success of Khovanshchina he was invited various opera houses for the design of the performance of the "Russian" theme) was a particularly successful design of the opera by Rimsky-Korsakov's "Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia (1906, Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg and the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow).

A. Vasnetsov was among the founders of the CPX, taught, often appeared in the press with articles on the protection of monuments and the theory of art, consisted of various scientific societies and committees. The singer of old Moscow, he at the same time, figured prominently in the cultural life of the capital of the first third of XX century.
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Старый 23.09.2009, 17:01 Язык оригинала: Русский       #2
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