Старый 01.10.2008, 03:17 Язык оригинала: Русский       #1
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По умолчанию A good artist - a successful artist?

Thank Samvel, decided to start a new topic for discussion.
What is a good artist?
What determines the goodness, talent, success?
Who remains in centuries?
Nothing personal, just a discussion.
For example, some artists who want to sell their paintings, said to me: "I put his heart and soul into this fabric. Conclusion - How much is a soul?

Let's discuss.

AlexanderG вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Старый 01.10.2008, 06:36 Язык оригинала: Русский       #2
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Сообщение от AlexanderG Посмотреть сообщение
Conclusion - how much is a soul?
as long as the buyer is willing to pay, and that's talent art dealer.

Евгений вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 01.10.2008, 06:58 Язык оригинала: Русский       #3
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Сообщение от Eugene Посмотреть сообщение
but it is already a talent art dealer
And if you directly, bypassing the dealer?
In general, the soul of the artist modet understand (and appreciate), only the artist.
Сообщение от AlexanderG Посмотреть сообщение
Who is the centuries?
This question is answered only time. We artists are about 50 years after his death.

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Старый 01.10.2008, 09:45 Язык оригинала: Русский       #4
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Сообщение от Eugene Посмотреть сообщение
as long as the buyer is willing to pay, and that's talent art dealer.
straight what is total commercialization of the art ((not always good artists are popular, and vice versa. For me a good artist is someone who has an idea sobstveennuyu who likes to do, sees this as the goal of his life, and not as it cut the money in a successful market situation (it is a hint about contemporary art.) It will remember most of the great artists of the twentieth century, for them to draw, to express their thoughts was the purpose of each item. Filonova Recall the greatest genius who refused to sell their belongings because they believed that they must belong to the State that this is a national asset that is unparalleled in the world, although he had a huge number of proposals from Western collectors. It can be considered a successful artist? it saves on food, so he had the opportunity to draw and free to all who wish to explain their analytical method.
But if we are a success, understand the material component, it all depends on the talent of an art dealer or artist manager, although the quality of created things, of course, is an important factor. Just now the artistic features paled into insignificance, and at first moved to the curators of the global concept of PR .. convince buyers to pay millions is not so hard, someone is always paying for the air ....
До меня мир рисовали таким, как его видят. Я рисую так, как его мыслю. (с) Пикассо.

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Старый 01.10.2008, 15:28 Язык оригинала: Русский       #5
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Сообщение от AlexanderG Посмотреть сообщение
What is a good artist?

  What determines the goodness, talent, success?
  In one Internet publication (can not remember what) read "advice to artists - the first steps to success" and that is what was advised (not literally writing - from memory):

  engaged in creative work to 3-4 days
Up to 5 hours give myself up and go to the meeting, to visit, to the party.
sense - a meeting with potential buyers (the list of necessary meetings, make advance).
During the dialogue with a potential buyer - as if by chance translate the theme of art and of course for their creativity.
Try to seem eccentric, to be courteous and do not forget to distribute leaflets or business cards.
In the evening, returning home, do the analysis today and Draw a plan of action for tomorrow. Send out a few letters to advertising on your site

  and stuff like that ....

My advice - from an artist, stay away - he is not quite true that is - not quite an artist

  Talented and successful - often do not intersect with the life of the artist for many reasons. This reluctance and inability of the artist to engage samoreklamirovaniem, lack of time, skills, knowledge and patience, as well as naive and malopraktichnoe attitude to life. Causes and circumstances of many. Of course, as there are exceptions.

Сообщение от AlexanderG Посмотреть сообщение
Who remains in centuries?
At the forefront of the centuries are innovators - they are very few.
In the background - the extraordinary talents capable of a peculiar interpretation.

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Старый 01.10.2008, 16:23 Язык оригинала: Русский       #6
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Davaite razoviom dal'she:

Chto takoe uspeshyi?
Naprimer - znaiut vsie pri zisni (uspeh posle smerti somnitelen, v osnovnom eto uspeh gallerista, dillera), horosho prodaiotsia na vystavkah i auktsionah, musei, pressa itd

Chto takoe professional'nyi hudoznik?
Hudoznik zivuschii s dohodov ot svoei professional'noi deiatel'nosti.

To Meister - kak naschiot Filonova?

To Dedulia - v vekah ostaiotsia kollektsionnoe iskusstvo. Gosudarstvo ne vsegda v silah obespechit 'sohrannost'.
Chastnyi kollektsioner budet zabotitsia o svoiom vlozenii, ili predmete strasti.

Horoshii hudoznik - na chei vzgliad?

Dlia menia eto svoego roda filosofskie voprosy, i vse vashi otvety i mneniia interesny.

AlexanderG вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Старый 01.10.2008, 19:58 Язык оригинала: Русский       #7
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Сообщение от AlexanderG Посмотреть сообщение
Gosudarstvo ne vsegda v silah obespechit 'sohrannost'.
Chastnyi kollektsioner budet zabotitsia o svoiom vlozenii, ili predmete strasti
Any collection under the auspices of the state is always originally belonged to a private person, another thing is how she got there. Example - the Tretyakov Gallery. And, for the entire collection of the State to follow, unlike the disparate works.
Private collector takes care of his collection from time to time, until there is money for its content. His case may continue to relatives, heirs, or may not continue. In the latter case, the collector understands that better than "lie down under the State", but the collection will continue. Example - a collection of Rostropovich and Vishnevskaya.
To lie under the State can and from other goals, such as to remain in history. Example - Shilov.

dedulya37 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Старый 01.10.2008, 20:05 Язык оригинала: Русский       #8
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dedulya37, are all examples and relations of our history and other West zhizni.Na rasklad.Soglasny?

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Старый 01.10.2008, 20:37 Язык оригинала: Русский       #9
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Сообщение от Cyril Syzransky Посмотреть сообщение
Do you agree?
Agree. Just to the west are trying to squeeze out "penny" from any situation. And, of course, on the west completely different attitude to human activity, ie work. Whatever it is, work is respected. The picture in the store - is the product of labor, it does not disappear. We also only words and dreams: "Do not disappear your work and mournful doom highest aspiration of ..."

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Старый 01.10.2008, 21:32 Язык оригинала: Русский       #10
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Why and how a good artist, I think bad Renoir said: "We are not critics, not to Marchand and not even for the fans in general, and for half a dozen artists, who appreciate our efforts, because they write themselves ... make as to Monsieur Choquet, Ghanian, and for an unknown passer-by who stopped by the display of the trader and experienced a momentary pleasure from the fact that looking at one of our pictures! ". But Degas - at the recognition: "These people want to convince me that I have achieved recognition. To achieve, what does that mean?" We always achieve and never achieve. What is to achieve recognition? Be on one wall with the "Lady of" Bouguereau and Slave Market "Giraud, Toto?" I do not want. Each goes his own way and has a small circle of public, and officials here have nothing to do ... I'm paying the taxes. What do they care of my paintings? "Oh no!" They want to interfere in everything. .. Art for them - a chessboard, and we, the artists - figure. They put forward a pawn, then another, etc. But I'm not a pawn, and I do not want to get me promoted.
      I think that an artist who wants to keep at least some trace in the history of art must first of all think about art, and then about money, fame, popularity, etc. There will be an opportunity to earn - well, no - nothing too terrible. "Paintings willing to write at least backwards" - said in the old Ingres.

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