Старый 18.09.2009, 08:35 Язык оригинала: Русский       #1
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По умолчанию Help in assessing the approximate cost, please

Hello! Help estimate for how much you can sell some now: the artist Demin VN "Bridge to the Unknown", 1993, size 80x100 cm
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Название: DSC02259.jpg
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ID:	405456  

Антон вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18.09.2009, 14:28 Язык оригинала: Русский       #2
Аватар для Allena
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Anton, obviously, you are working Vladimir Nikolaevich Demina. Here, on the site, auction sales of this artist is not fixed, then the price level is not specified.

Here is information about the artist from his website:

Читать дальше... 
Painter Vladimir Demin, was born in Moscow. In 1972 graduated from art school in Serpukhov. In 1979 he entered the Moscow Textile Institute. Kosygin, the faculty of applied arts. With 1984g.po 1987. worked at the Department of compositions decoration textiles MIT im.A.N.Kosygina. In 1987. joined the Artists' Union of the RSFSR. Participated in work on the interior: the restaurant Rossiyanka, cafes Moscow Institute of Radio Technology, Theater on Trifonovskaya and other objects of the city Moskvy.V 1994. joined the International Federation of Artists (IFA, UNESCO).
Member of various art exhibitions.
Works of the artist Nahda in Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum of Serpukhov, Moscow region, Rossiyskom Cultural Foundation in Moscow, in private collections: Russia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Britain, USA, Turkey. In 1992. All-Russia TV company, creative unification "LAD" for the film "Two of Vladimir in search of light."

In 2000g.byl released catalog Russian artists.
Contemporary russian artists
SCAN Rus 2000.
Article from the catalog.

Vladimir Demin, he discovered the path to a true great art. His first steps in painting were probably the result of eksperementirovaniya with a camera aimed at the transformation of visual forms, through the camera lens.
In the first artist's works dominated the spontaneity and boyish.
Thanks to the natural sense of color and taste, the artist was able to quickly get rid of throwing in various styles and schools. Demin able to formulate and develop a clear plastic pictorial system, while at the same time retained its inner freedom and independence.
His figurative metaphorical figurative works were still incomplete episode in the biography of the artist. Attention and aspirations V. Demina entirely focused on abstract art.
Alloy space and time, feelings and thoughts of the painter gives a complex coloring, causing unexpected associations in the minds of mere spectators. New works by the artist noted an interesting trend to synthesize the experience of abstract expressionists. Demin anew interprets the legacy of Jackson Pollock (sm.ssylku "Expressionism"), the founder of abstract expressionism. The so-called intuitive art, which is one of the directions of American postmodernism, with its spontaneity, emotional expression system closely linked to the improvisations color V. Demina.
Artist strive to convince us of the viability and prospects of development of this trend. Demin seeking a new visual and plastic machinery abstrktnogo expressionism.
According to the article's author most notable manifestation of these aspirations is the speed of concentrated emotional perception of the facts and phenomena of our existence, its intuitive subconscious desire for a new color image of prochuvstvovanngo and they had seen their own inner vision, as well as his willingness to show emotion caused, as of objective factors surrounding reality, and the internal impulses of the soul.
In this regard, it would be appropriate to quote the words that once were already spoken to the MV Demina: "His art is self contained, it continues to generate new ideas within itself."
One of the main distinguishing features of the fine method V. Demina distinguish his work from the abstract paintings of any other master is the ability to naturally combine the spontaneity of the emotional feelings of intellectual logic of the visual and plastic ends.
According to the postulate Russian existentialist philosopher Leo Shestov, that consistency is a great imperfection, V. Demin not satisfied with the prodlzhaet and experimenting to find themselves in this crazy world.

Try to search his work to galleries, then it may become clear how much they cost.

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