Старый 11.03.2010, 18:07 Язык оригинала: Русский       #1
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По умолчанию Action "The main thing - not a name, the main thing - painting! March 27

Today I received an interesting letter, An abridgement:
Action! "The main thing - not a name, the main thing - art!"
What is important - the name or painting? Quality of the artistic product or promoted brand? Regalia and titles - or the sincerity of artistic expression? The price and value of the product, as is known, affects all.
The essence of the action:
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Among the donors - both eminent and unknown artists while working in completely different directions and styles, supporters of both academic and non-academic perspectives and world views, as well as students and children, only dreaming of becoming artists. Artist Gallery presents painting and gallery, in turn, for a nominal fee it provides Muscovites, thus attracting interest in the arts, painting and the discovery of new names.
The main thing: as with the front of the work is not signed - not acquired a certain name, but that is really touching and impressive.
The artist donated his work pays for shares, thus confirming his selfless attitude and indifferent to such a shaky occupation as painting. Work - a pictorial or graphic picture of the very small size within the 20x30 cm (which is not sorry for anyone, technique, style and any genre). Work of art signed (by arrangement with the author) only with the back side (from the front - no signature).

The action involved:
Suren Ayvazian, Vladimir aperta, Mikhail Babenko, Inna Bazhutina, Barvenko Andrei Aron Bukh, Eugene Burmakin, Ilia Bolshakov, Katya Vasilyev, Alexander Vassiliev, Lucy Voronov, Leo Dyakonitsyn, Dmitry Egorov, Vladimir Dubossarskii Vera El'nitskaya Anya acorn, Igor Kazakov Vera Kazakova, Igor Kamyanov, Andrew Kim, Natta Konysheva, Valeria Kozina, Svetlana Kochetkova, Eugene Kryukov, Nadezhda Lebedeva, Oleg Lyapkusov, Konstantin Malakhov, Alexander Makhlin, Boris Mikhailov, Vladimir overgrown, Daria Panyukova, Pluzhnikov, Olga Orlova, Oleg Pirbudanov Katya Rupeyko, Karahan Saferbekov, Hope North, Konstantin Sutyagin, Svetlana Sutyagin, Anatoly Slepyshev, Konstantin Turkin, Andrey Shilov, Vladimir Yashke, Mark Fomin
Moscow - Gallery "Expo-88" (st. Zabelina, 1 /www.expo-88.ru) - March 27
In my opinion this, "white sewing thread. Such an emotional blank experiment is possible only at those viewers who do not familiar with the works of several famous artists.

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sur (11.03.2010), Артём (11.03.2010), Евгений (12.03.2010)
Старый 11.03.2010, 18:15 Язык оригинала: Русский       #2
Аватар для Pavel
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Stupidity is a kind of, well at least the money for it do not take.
A good painting can only be a good author. These good so little that they have a name, which guarantees the quality of what has been done by this artist.
A good painting without the artist does not happen.

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L-ana64110 (11.03.2010), sur (19.03.2010)
Старый 11.03.2010, 19:16 Язык оригинала: Русский       #3
Аватар для tiffany
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Here's another question takes, it is alleged that will artists presented. It may occur as follows: "Oh, at the last moment Dubosarskiy unable to deliver their work. But we have because a lot of other paintings, buyout might like it." The name of the artist as an example, I led. I think the idea is clear.

tiffany вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 11.03.2010, 19:35 Язык оригинала: Русский       #4
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Theoretically, can be anything. But is there any pre slander? Lucy must Voronova, for example, ask how everything was arranged and what will result.

Vladimir вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 11.03.2010, 19:52 Язык оригинала: Русский       #5
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Oh sorry sizes too small! And then I have a super option that as a no-write-once sold

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Старый 11.03.2010, 20:09 Язык оригинала: Русский       #6
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Сообщение от Vladimir Посмотреть сообщение
could theoretically be anything. But is there any pre slander? Lucy must Voronova, for example, ask how everything was arranged and what will be the result.
Right. No one can argue only theoretically. And the results and analysis of how everything went, interesting

tiffany вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 11.03.2010, 20:36 Язык оригинала: Русский       #7
Аватар для Артём
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Сообщение от Vladimir Посмотреть сообщение
Action! "The main thing - not a name, the main thing - painting!»
In less than six months, everyone will forget about this action! "Shot in the fog. Joy-only group of participants who raise a glass at the end of the rally and with successful drunk.

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Старый 11.03.2010, 20:40 Язык оригинала: Русский       #8
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Excellent newsmaker! Be sure to steal it, slightly transforming the idea

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Старый 11.03.2010, 20:40 Язык оригинала: Русский       #9
Аватар для Veronic
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Question - and the money to whom? The meaning of the action is not clear, the artist gives free picture gallery and make money? Or them somewhere broadcasts?

Veronic вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 11.03.2010, 20:42 Язык оригинала: Русский       #10
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No difference where she received them. Although the orphanage at least in the next stall in exchange for a tip for the participants.
The Free Press will dam. I have sewn.
Just steal the idea

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