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Insurance Everything related to insurance — in what cases you need to insure artworks, where and how you can insure them, prices, terms and conditions of insurance.

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Старый 16.04.2011, 05:59 Язык оригинала: Русский       #1
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По умолчанию Spanish police found a stolen painting by El Greco and Goya

Spanish police have found two paintings by El Greco and Francisco Goya , who were kidnapped in 1997 .
In October 2010, police received operative information that the paintings , "Apparition of the Virgin Pilar " Goya and the Annunciation by El Greco may have been sold. Investigations into both the works of famous artists are found in a private home in Alicante . Who was the picture taken is not reported .
Before the theft of paintings owned by a private collector , said Agence France-Presse. The works were lost after they have given to foreign exhibitions . The police have included works in the database of missing and stolen works to prevent their sale abroad .
Paintings of such famous authors is difficult to assess , since they rarely put up for sale , notes AP. But in 2004, " The Baptism of Christ by El Greco was sold at Christie's auction in London for 1.449 million dollars, and " Dead Hare " Goya the year before at the same auction went for $ 5 million .
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