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Art news
Открыты 478-е торги AI Аукциона
01 May 2023, 21:20:57
В каталоге 26 лотов: 15 живописных работ, 8 листов оригинальной и один — печатной графики, одна работа в смешанной технике и одна икона

Неизвестный известный Серж Иванов (1893–1983)
07 March 2023, 10:54:07
История происхождения ранних картин С.П.Иванова

Неизвестный известный Серж Иванов. 1893–1983
06 March 2023, 12:52:14
Сегодня в галерее «Элизиум» открывается выставка Сергея Петровича Иванова (Serge Ivanoff), организованная совместно с ARTinvestment.RU

Открыты 469-е торги AI Аукциона
27 February 2023, 21:23:09
В каталоге 25 лотов: 14 живописных работ, 5 листов оригинальной и один — печатной графики, три работы в смешанной технике и две скульптуры

Выставка Люси Вороновой в галерее Atelier CHOUTKO
17 June 2022, 17:42:16
На выставке будут представлены живописные произведения Вороновой разных лет и состоится премьера ковра ручной работы, созданного художницей совместно с Atelier CHOUTKO

Открыты 429-е торги AI Аукциона
12 May 2022, 10:52:15
В каталоге 20 лотов: девять живописных работ, восемь листов оригинальной и один — печатной графики, одна работа в смешанной технике и один фарфоровый сервиз

Эрмитаж потребовал досрочно вернуть работы, участвующие в итальянских выставках
14 March 2022, 20:55:00
В Россию в ближайшее время вернутся около 25 картин

The king walks in any weather. Personal exhibition of artist Andrew Munz AI in the gallery "XXI century. Contemporary Russian art"
17 August 2020, 14:20:57
The exhibition is open August 18 — September 1, 2020 in a blended format. Online-вернисаж 18 Aug 2020. Beginning at 20:00

Open 342-е the Auction and 28-й curator's auction "XXI century"
11 August 2020, 13:45:00
The master catalogue — thirty lots: twenty-one paintings, four sheets of an original and two — printed graphics and three works in mixed media.

The results of the Auction No. 341
07 August 2020, 18:10:00
Sold 14 lots totaling just less than 3.5 million rubles

Open 341-е the Auction and 27-й curator's auction "XXI century"
04 August 2020, 11:50:24
The master catalogue — thirty lots: eighteen paintings, six original leaves and one — printed graphics, two works in mixed media, two sculptures, and one set of seven porcelain plates

The results of the Auction № 340
31 July 2020, 18:30:00
Sold 12 lots for the sum over 6 million roubles

Articles on art investing
A common story: Artsy. Part 1
13 August 2020, 18:05:00
In the new section AI talks about the history, the successes and failures of companies in the art market

Literature: Piroska Dossey. Sold!
12 August 2020, 15:50:00
The book is about the phenomenon of pricing, the original title of which was ahead of its time in a decade

Artist of the week: Leonid Purygin
10 August 2020, 18:35:00
History, pricing and marketing indicators of the modernist and one of the brightest representatives of Russian art-брют Leonid Purygina

Movies: "the Cool school"
07 August 2020, 15:32:17
The emergence of abstract expressionism on the West coast of the United States the voice of the Big Lebowski

Cross-trades in the summer of 2020. ArtTactic Report
06 August 2020, 13:46:40
Analysis of auction sales of a new format with the participation of the old masters

10 most unusual ArtTech-стартапов 2020. Part 1
31 July 2020, 17:55:00
AI talks about young companies whose ideas have become especially popular with the onset of the quarantine

"Russian week" in 2020, London: facts, figures and key findings
30 July 2020, 20:00:00
AI collected basic information at the end of the summer series of Russian sales in London

Literature: Еkaterina Dorozhkina. Zero Budget Marketing
29 July 2020, 20:50:00
A practical book about the importance of marketing in terms of when people and companies have limited resources

Auction sale of 1-й half of 2020. ArtTactic Report
28 July 2020, 20:10:00
Analysis of volume sales of leading auction houses in the first half of 2020

Artist of the week: Jacques Lipchitz
27 July 2020, 18:50:00
History, pricing and marketing indicators of the artist's orbit of Russian art, representative of the Paris school, the sculptor Jacques Lipchitz

Movies: "the Best offer"
24 July 2020, 09:46:28
Movie about the friendship of the auctioneer with the artist, which didn't lead to anything good

Literature: Arthur Tompkins. Art Crime and its Prevention
23 July 2020, 13:38:51
The book is about the possible fate of art during the lockdown, written by the current judge

Contemporary artists in crisis: John Baldessari
22 July 2020, 17:38:03
The artist, who helped us understand postmodernism, and did not know what a pandemic

Mixed trades in the summer of 2020. ArtTactic Report
21 July 2020, 18:32:25
Analysis of the combined evening sales of impressionist, modernism, postwar and contemporary art from leading auction houses

Artist of the week: Evgeny Chubarov
20 July 2020, 23:43:43
History, pricing and marketing indices of the non-conformist, abstract artist and one of the most enigmatic artists of the second half of the twentieth century Eugene Iosifovicha Chubarova

Movies: "Big eyes"
17 July 2020, 10:27:16
The story of how Harvey Weinstein made a good movie about injustice against women

Old masters and new market. Part 1
16 July 2020, 17:39:40
AI begins with a detailed story about the art market of the old masters

Literature: Anna Arutyunova. Art-рынок in the XXI century
15 July 2020, 13:35:49
The first book about the art market, created by Russian author

Pricing contemporary art. Part 2
14 July 2020, 17:11:43
Anna Lipskaya — on how contemporary artists can affect the value of his art

Artist of the week: Rustam Khamdamov
13 July 2020, 17:42:08
History, pricing and marketing metrics film Director, screenwriter and artist Rustam Khamdamov U.

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Old "Royal Game" - the unique chess at...    07-01, 06:28  davisjame   Exhibitions...
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Old collages on the theme of the war...    29-05, 00:19  katorgin   Ukrainian...
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02-02-2025 12:00 Go to last post
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05-08-2024 23:16 Go to last post
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07-05-2021 11:35 Go to last post
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13-06-2024 14:32 Go to last post
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