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Links to the most interesting and popular topics.
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Discuss artists, their lives and works, the history of works’ creation and other art history issues.
Подразделы: Ukrainian artists
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Share experiences and exchange opinions about all the events in the art world.
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Exhibitions, museum collections, interesting events, etc. in pictures taken by the Forum members.
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Interesting and relevant information about art. Discuss general art issues and any topics not covered in other forums. It’s only about art — love, politics, sports, hobbies etc. are discussed in “Chatter”.
Подразделы: Quizzes, competitions
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Discuss art auctions.
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Share your opinion about the profitability of investments.
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Discuss artworks’ prices and attribution.
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Sell and purchase artworks.
Подразделы: Buy, Sell
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Find out where and how you can get artworks appraised. Discussions related to fine art appraisal.
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Discuss the transportation of artworks across the border (customs, transporting, etc.)
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Everything related to insurance — in what cases you need to insure artworks, where and how you can insure them, prices, terms and conditions of insurance.
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In case you need your artworks restored.
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Questions, requests, suggestions, criticism, complaints, etc.
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General discussion.
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A special place for those who love squabbling. All aggressive messages are moved here. This section is (almost) unmoderated and is not shown in the Forum statistics.
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