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Secrets of the alphabet. Give ear to understand

Запись от Магнолия размещена 13.05.2012 в 10:31
Обновил(-а) Магнолия 13.01.2013 в 16:11

R. S.

   Sunbeam made his way into the narrow crack between the wall and the curtain and went to the desk from single sheets with some text to the pile, prepared for binding. At nearly seven hours. One could go back to sleep, but the memory obligingly began unwinding the thread of yesterday's events. Leaflets with the text - this is a photocopy of the article "the sacred meaning of the Slavic alphabet" L.V.Savelevoy and stack, ready for binding - this is printed using the three-volume manuscript of my many years of work, "Evolution and the Law".
   And it was so. Recently, the content of all three volumes, I told the friend. For a quarter century of work on the book is meaningful and described many colored stones philosophical puzzle, but you can see the most vivid to her puzzle was the coding elements of the natural principles of letters. A few days later she told me about the existence of that paper L.V.Savelevoy hidden meaning of the letters of the alphabet.
- Hello! This monograph or article? How did you find her? - I asked with genuine envy that someone, not me, had to learn about working on such an intriguing topic.
- Type in the search box Internet "Lidia Saveliev", then perhaps you will find something more interesting.
- Thank you. Be sure to use it.
   On the same day, I rushed to the NRB. This is our new abbreviation "publichki." Russian National Library. The new building in Moscow Avenue at Victory Park worthy of all praise. The present church culture.
   I needed the work found relatively quickly. It turned out that this is not a big magazine article. In addition, Bulgaria provides the opportunity to visit on the Internet. From there, I learned that L.V.Saveleva hereditary scholar, Slavic, Professor of History and Philology of the Karelian State Pedagogical University. In 1993, the first International Conference "The New Testament text in Russian literature," she reported that "for the first time decode and interpret the Slavic Alphabet list of names as the first full poetic text written by Constantine the Philosopher in the genre of a short sermon to the neophytes in the traditions of the Byzantine molitvoslovnogo verse ". Different aspects of the topic studied it in subsequent papers. I was so glad to know that in our pioneering time though someone sounding the alarm about the problem of violation of natural linguistic harmony descendants of Slavs.
   Photocopy of this article, I hurried home to, slowly, on the one hand, to enjoy with one mind, and on the other, to swallow the bitter pill that the golden key of the mysteries of the alphabet fortune invested in other hands. However, after reading the article, I was surprised and delighted I saw that we were digging the story in different places by different methods and at different depths. Now we have to understand and compare, who had found. Care for early-bound manuscript to be postponed in order to complement and complete the third volume of the explanation of the situation.
   Morning cup of coffee. The room is filled with natural light. Pencils wait of dancing on paper. Thoughts turn to a specialist on the history of the Russian literary language, "Dear Lidia! We have different content of brains, but that should not prevent us to reach out to the historical truth. In addition, in every conversation is not shameful refine understanding of the terms interlocutor, especially if it is an unusual insight, or rather not common. For example, the definition of "ascetic" I take it as "questioning and ready to believe," as the word-concept consists of three phonemes: ask - ask, e - a sign of existence (is), t - the letter code of the principle of "Faith." Asceticism is not necessarily accompanied by a neglect of facilities stomach and body. Ascetics just so passionate about the spiritual food that the term "austerity" has migrated to the visible facts cognitive personality. Even funnier is my perception of the word "arithmetic". In my opinion, it defines all unique, that is nerifmuemost. Numbers - the most obvious case. Two did not have any three, or four, or five, or ten ... But green is neither red nor yellow or black ... The colors and shades of arithmetical. Is arithmetic, and much else, including letters and notes, but people are used to apply the concept of "arithmetic" only to the numbers. "
   My appeal to the mental Honored Scientist of Russia and Karelia interrupted by a phone call.
- How is it? - Interested dear entsiklopedistka. - Detect Savelyev sacred meaning of the alphabet? Ahead of you?
- My answer is that I found her article in the ninth issue of the "North" in 1993. Read. You want to hear my opinion?
- I want!
- Saveliev only touched the mystery of the alphabet, but the alphabet. She sensed that Constantine the Philosopher (aka in monasticism Cyril) gave the names of the letters to hint at their meaning, but in the centuries-old tradition of hermeneutics could not reveal complete sacred knowledge.
- And you can! I give permission! - Joking and serious male voice added - now other times, other tasks.
- Who have you got?
- Our mutual friend. Do not you recognize me?
   Mitya always patiently listened to my speech impediment Providence and speculation, was a student of individual literary passages. His response helped me to not unsettle consistently understood the text. "I believe that despite the enormous amount of secondary literature written" e_van_gelie "- joking and putting" my "in the sense of the letter" e ", he outlined the genre work" Evolution and the Law "- Helios shines in you alive and greetings departed thinkers and get unified picture »
-You told Mitya on Savelevoj?
- Yes. He believes that you have to respond.
- I have already configured to compare our approach to the secret of the alphabet by writing a short essay entitled «P. S. ». Get a kind of literary point.
- Good luck. Act!
   Phone metronome beeps started the countdown and pencil cheerfully brought well-known letter «P. S. ».

Comparison of the first.
   The article "the sacred meaning of the Slavic alphabet," begins with a reminder of the "two graphics systems, written by two Alphabet: Cyrillic and Glagolitic." Studied sources, options, features, etc., etc. But they belong to the notion of "system" be ignored. Use the word "system", the author flew past its meaning, not noticing it contains phonemes s_ist_tema, that is subject to the Truth. "Truth does not suffer from the fact that nobody wants to admit. - Recorded a famous Russian philosopher AFLosev in the preface to" Sketches of ancient symbolism and mythology. "- Contrary to the truth (as well as for not accepting it) it is only logical.'ll do without you the truth, and the truth must really be without you "Truth theme - is primarily a law relationships elements. Detected or not detected, it is based on the knowledge base claim to the discovery. But someday someone will s_ist_tema. When and to whom?
   A prerequisite is the opening accumulation of data that characterize the properties and relationships of elements, and the concentration of this information in one place. In modern times, the most striking example was the discovery of the periodicity properties of chemical elements. Because of the miracle at the chemists, who deal with a large number of properties of different substances, aggravated flair for consistency. I, the author of "The Evolution of Rights", was such a "sensitive chemist." The words "Daughter /Night" or "Marriage /Darkness" I watched as the molecules of substances whose properties are different because they contain different elements of D and H, B and M. For me, letters of the alphabet - the unknown elements of the system.
   Concepts can be identified in different ways - sound, pattern, movement (gestures, facial expressions) ... For people with the most convenient way to communicate was the preparation of the molecules of the elements-words-letters. All information is taken from the system aggregate principal properties of the world order, called al_fa_vitom. Natural principles - the elements of the system, and the letters - codes of natural principles.
   To identify the nature of the alphabet-terminology 'letter as a graphic sign "from the context of the second paragraph of Article L.V.Savelevoy is somewhat unfortunate, since the letter - is primarily a combination of shades of a certain code properties inherent in the system, and then some , or by signs, sounds or view.

A comparison of the second.
   The third paragraph of the article is devoted to the historical merit of Constantine-Cyril: the selection of types of sound Slavic phonological system, a system of graphic symbols, the invention of the syllabic principle of Slavic writing, translation of religious works from Greek into Slavic, the development of norms of the first Slavic language. Looking at the list of trusting the reader might think that the missionaries to the Slavs Cyril were a flock without sounding own culture of literary communication, without tradition, without the fairy tales, no song and dance ... Allow me to doubt. But the phrase for the admission of the Slavs to Christianity, supposedly Cyril believed its purpose, deserves special attention.
   In his book "The Evolution of Rights" shows that Christianity is a special way of thinking of people who find themselves in a critical situation. This conclusion is easily visible from the book I.S.Sventsitskoy "Early Christianity: the pages of history." During the crisis, strictly logical thinking is not effectively because of too rapid change of events. Then the body switches on instinct, the intuition, which is accompanied by worsening feelings shades properties of natural principles. Accordingly expands alphabetic range. It is this "critical" component of life of the Slavs noticed Constantine the Philosopher, and added to a relatively well-established system of "European" alphabet additional meanings encoded final letters of the alphabet. Judging by the composition of the alphabet and the placement of additional characters, we can assume that Cyril was a member of a cohort initiates highly concerned with educational activities. It is not as accustomed Slavs to Christianity, however revealed their Christian spirit, and this is reflected in the Slavic perception system principles of world order. Implantation Cyrillic Slavic written language proves that Cyril and his brother Methodius passionately writes L.V.Saveleva, defended his position "in a brave fight against the orthodox doctrine of" treyazychnikov "who recognized the Divine Liturgy only in Hebrew, Greek and Latin" who used strictly rational matrix, without the intuitive component of the alphabet.
   Coexistence first turns the alphabet (a reasonable idea of ​​the development of life on the planet) with loop accented L.V.Savelevoy intuition explained the difference in the character name initial and final letters of the alphabet. Comparing the data sources, she writes: "1) the steady sequence of letters reveal that make up the first two thirds of the alphabet - the ones who have obvious homonyms in Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian, that is, which are meaningful content words, the name (to" chrv "inclusive ), 2) the variability alphabetical order characterizes the letters whose names are not associated with the concepts and the language are only symbols of letters, "ot", "ball", "shta", "er", "ers", "Eph" " ence, "" yusy "," chi "," psycho "," fit ". //This fact alone suggests: Are not accurately observed by alphabetical order of the encoded message, which in the first centuries of Slavic Literature is to realize the scribes? "'s Prescient hunch. Otherwise, it could not be, because the "intuitive" the letters "H" and then - the result of philosophical understanding of reality compared to the traditional Christian language development.

Comparison of the third
   L.V.Saveleva absolutely right, noting that "Cyril invented letter" names "<...> deserve respect and attention to the research - as a unique opportunity for us to hear the voice of a century Pervouchitelya Slavs." To hear it is very important, even more important to understand. The fact is that in the words involved only audio and graphic form letters, and most valuable, disguised, information contain their names. To the nature of this information remained in the popular memory, scholars were forced to hack the names of characters: az, beeches, lead, verb, good ... Yes, teach, what letter which gives meaning to the word. Say thank you for K.Kalaydovichu clear example povzaimstvovanny L.V.Savelevoy: Dog pokoem write (R), not psyami (Ψ), some communication with the dog psalm? It is believed that the purpose of the assignment letter of the name was either hidden or forgotten. This is not entirely true. Most likely, the information about the alphabet, alphabet letters and names to be available, but only able to accept overseas philosophical doctrine.
   Online reports that L.V.Saveleva "first decode and interpret the Slavic Alphabet list of names." Is this true? Do not focus on the concept of "an elementary system," Do not miss it in the decipherment of the most important thing that allows to explain the names of the letters correctly? If the purpose of giving one letter of the name, why she has to share the names of the letters on the meaningful content words, the name (to "chrv 'inclusive) and the name is not related to the concepts that are" in the language are only symbols of letters? " The answer lies in her own rhetorical question about the reason for closer adherence to alphabetical order, but it remains undetected. In this case, more than appropriate L.V.Savelevoy following comment: "If we consider that in the Middle Ages the main goal of human knowledge, including science and art, is the realization of the symbolic relationship of the visible world (material) and the invisible world (spiritual) , the secret sacred meaning lettering hardly be disputed. "
   In his book "The Evolution of Rights", thanks to the disclosure of a number of symbols of legends and myths, meaning names of letters, that is, letter names, tightly-tightly connected with the natural principles of world order, intelligent ancestors. Each principle is coded not to repeat any letter. Principles and letters arithmetical.
   For some, the most important principles of natural property can be summed up in one word well understood. It is that and used as a meaningful full-meaning name-letter code of the principle. For example, the principle of "doing" is coded with the letter "D". The most valuable feature of this principle - good. "Good" and became smysloimenem letter "D". The statement "deserves a good Bb Saturdays tvoriti whether zlo stvoriti" L.V.Savelevoy cited as an example, reveals the meaning of the word "good," the man offers his good or evil will result in "making" on Saturday, when the Jewish religious tradition should always pay attention to yourself, your housing and recreation. And Saturday's Russian baths the same historical roots. Another very interesting example. There is the principle of natural selection /election of the total number, of the total mass of the monotonous background ... It is encoded by the letter "L". How to communicate clearly to tell about it all? Found another way. Earth gave birth to a variety of living things. They are all more or less reasonable, move, eat, sleep, protect yourself, multiply ... Nature of this set of people identified by awarding their consciousness and articulate speech. So the word "people" was the representative of the principle of "Election" by the name of the letter "L", the code of this principle, called "People". The article provides a demonstration L.V.Savelevoy explanation: "People - children of men." Petition in the old days was called hearth furnace (absorber fuel) and forehead (absorber of information.) The sons of men evolutionarily developed consciousness - they become men. These two examples of ways to choose names for the letters describing encoded principles exhausted. So the principle of "self", symbolized by the cat that walks by itself, encoded letter, named "Xi" - everyday sounds when communicating with pussy. Similarly, the principle of "Education", symbolized by the ability to train of dog, a code letter has Ψ-«Psi." Therefore, the word "crazy", "psychology" and like it would be necessary to write, using the name of the letter.

Figure. "Psychology"

   Cyrillic alphabet book with all his letters codes natural principles discussed in the second volume of work "Evolution and right." However, due attention to the author's name of the first letters of the alphabet here, comparing the results of decoding letter names, add another way to inform the original letter name and show a fundamentally different interpretation of the name "Az". The letter "A" ancient wisdom encoded as a basic principle of the universe - the principle of "observation." In Hebrew, Greek and Latin name of the letter "A" is pronounced in different ways - "Aleph", "Alpha" - and understand how all (al) Lights (F) of the cosmos, covering the earth as the great inexorable Observer. But the land inhabited by big-eyed creatures, has a powerful ability to look at the Observer. The principle is called "power" and is coded with the letter "Z". These two principles are the first and seventh contour matrix of evolutionary development are paired object <=> Subject. Now the mutual observation, received the term "introspection" and the effect of its presence scrutinized, it is believed that this is the basis of consciousness. We do not know what thoughts swirled in my head of Constantine the Philosopher, but apparently he just paired two codes "A" and "Z". Got started early Slavic name - AZ.

ill. "The principle of" Observation "

     The Jewish religion is still honoring this great principle, and he devotes seven festival of lights "Hanukkah" in which light the menorah lights, which you can only watch. Perhaps Cyril repeatedly used in this way - to synthesize the name of the letter codes of principles involved in the encoded principle if their substance is already clear on the mysteries of the Alphabet. The substitution of a clearly readable "AZ" to "I" is legitimate, if by this pronoun "I" to understand the Great Seer. However, the interpretation of the "al" as "I am a person" as defined in Article L.V.Savelevoy, unwarranted and in deciphering the concept does not fit.
   In a review of opinions on the origin of letter names L.V.Saveleva mentions NS Trubetskoy studies that led him to release the names of the two letters. It is more than likely, if we assume that one name refers to the characteristics encoded by the natural principle, and another one-letter code name. So the letter "L" followed by the name "Election" and "People", the letter "D" - "Business" and "good", the letter "A" - "Observer" and "Az", and so on.
   Another researcher, F.Maresh, suggests that the author of acrostics "Alphabet Prayer", which seems to have served as a source of names of letters he was Constantine the Philosopher. If, as has been found, the second verse begins with the word "bog" for "beech", then this "Alphabetic Prayer" acrostic listed the names of natural principles, not the code-letters. Byzantine acrostics were not decorated alphabet character, as suggested L.V.Saveleva and chased unseemly goal lead into the impenetrable shadow of information about the system of natural principles, leaving only the names of the Slavs-letter codes. But the idea philologist L.V.Savelevoy came to the correct conclusion, "the names of letters to him <Constantine the Philosopher> played a minor role, being a more or less random start of individual verses (lines) to the desired letter. <...> It seems that the author of the Glagolitic alphabet - a highly educated man who has received not only the Church, but also a very deep secular education - awareness of the creative role of the alphabet, soluble for centuries, gave rise to other priorities. " This conclusion is indirectly supported work described in "The Evolution of Rights" principles of natural relationship with their codes. Primary properties of the world order, and the encoding of characters to create a language, reflecting being.

   Habitually door creaked. This girl came after work. I did not notice that it was evening.
- What are you writing? - Curiosity Fly, putting me address bookbinding. - You promised rest after labors.
   I briefly talk about L.V.Savelevoy article about her approach to the secrets of the alphabet, the Board will certainly match my friends' e_van_gelie "with Slavic studies.
- So what? Collated?
- In place of need to tell Lydia Vladimirovna about my discovery of the matrix with the natural principles of letter codes, then it would be different vzglyanutt to leapfrog with lists of "ABCs of Prayer," authored with acrostics, with the researchers.
- Stop, stop, stop, - Svetlana waved her hands - do not understand. What a prayer? What acrostics?
- On reading an article. I am interested in your opinion.
   Svetik sat down closer to the desk lamp and the usual "diagonal" reading quickly familiarized with the content of the article.
- It's simple! - To kick-start it. - First, Constantine the Philosopher acrostic described natural principles, calling them as you like. Therefore, the word "God" was in the second verse. The first was the "observer." I think the names of the letters in this prayer did not exist - to slow down the rate of chirping daughter.
- And what about the name of the prayer "Alphabetic" and preserve the alphabetical order? - I doubted.
- Think the names of letters Cyril had in mind, and each line begins with the Slavic letters in Greek alphabetical order.
- Let's say - I agree - and the problem of authorship?
- And other writers, such as Constantine of Preslav, may know something and did not know anything about the system of natural principles. Just wrote letters alphabetical acrostic to scholars was easier to cram the letter order. Then it is God himself ordered the creation of a call "Alphabet prayer." These authors could be any number. As a result, some linguists discuss "principled" prayer, others - "code-letter."
- You umnichka. More dots to «i» left?
- No.
- Then go to dinner, and I shall add an essay.

Comparison of the fourth
   Apparently, there is a deep pattern that I, and other seekers of the sacred meaning of the alphabet mention the name of Alexander Pushkin. The article quotes a statement L.V.Saveleva genius of the Russian word for his scornful attitude to the meaning of the names of the letters that make up the Slavonic alphabet. Later, in 1994 and 1999, it was published twice "New comment for the article on Pushkin Slavic alphabet." You can comment all you want, but the statement has already taken place, and the author did not change his opinion. What is the nature of being a genuine confrontation and by nature?
   In the three-volume "The Evolution of Rights" is considered informational unity evolving nature of knowledge, modes of thought, speech communication, mysticism, Christianity. Every person, being a part of the universe has its own individual properties. There are people with rigid logic, there is a bright creative individuals with geshtaltnym Misty is thinking. Among all types concerned himself alone, others are intelligent and willing to cover the whole life the way into the future.
   The most accurate place of Alexander Pushkin in Russian literature of the Slavic roots G.N.Volkov described in "Pushkin and Chaadaev" high destiny of Russia "," published in 1986 in a collection of historical and philosophical essays "Three Faces of Culture". The fact that the young Pushkin some time been under the influence of "unattainable" P.Ya.Chaadaeva, who once studied European art history and religion, the teachings of the mystics. Chaadaev longed to see in Pushkin not only dedicated to the mysteries of the century, but the mystical seer. Unfortunately, Chaadaev did not know that poetry and mysticism of different nature, and unsuccessfully kindled in the poet striving for the express purpose of being on the foundation of historical truth. Pushkin is a born poet - the embodiment of the principle of the system "Poetry" (code-letter YAT). He responded to the request time and request an older friend - has highlighted the power of his words, historical processes associated with such outstanding personalities as Peter the Great, Boris Godunov, Emelyan Pugachev ... But then ...
   Intuitive principle of "Poetry", finishing fifth chronological horizontal natural principles Genesis - Knowledge - The fruitfulness of vertical functional continuum with the "Virgin Soil," that is, poets, play rhymes, images, look into the beyond. But the Virgin Soil obscurity different when comparing it with the unexpected set of known natural principles of world order. And if Chaadaev knew through skazyvaniya can and should keep the options to combine the principles of both the likelihood of property development, Pushkin, like other brilliant poets, bathed in a rhythm rhyme patterns to express their feelings and hunches. Chaadaev knew that the letters are hidden properties of things. Pushkin used the letter not being interested in their ancestry. Two geniuses have left.

Comparison of the fifth.
   L.V.Savelevu quote: "The considered hypothesis Georgieva - Trubetskoy - Maresha can not be satisfied because if it does not exclude that obscures a direct link letter names to each other." Hypothesis two "Alphabetic Prayer" does not satisfy Savelyev, because it implicitly sees only a linear form of the alphabet and proves its existence quite professionally, except one nuance. When she writes that the subject of the verb is personally interested in action - "I know", "I am aware" - that refers to a person, not as an observer starting position considering all the natural principles.
   Work "Evolution Right" opens the matrix character of the alphabet. After much searching the following table is built. The left vertical line down the figures from O to 9. At the top of the horizontal, marked with the letter "B", and the number of zero zeros been four evolutionary period. Thus, all the field of the table is lined forty cells. In each cell is placed Arithmeticality name natural principle with its letter code. The names of the letters assigned to them by Constantine the Philosopher may have been issued to them on a separate sheet so that they looked like a linear sequence of a single text, the existence of which anticipates L.V.Saveleva. In modern Russian the text begins: "Observer-God knows, verbs good ..." or more "I-God, observing the Earth, and all is plain verb (command s) to do a good deed ..."
   The matrix is ​​viewed properties of the natural connection, called natural principles. Together, they are in the path field. By horizontal lines marked numbers are evolutionary-chronological development principles such as the addition of (S)-measure (P /π)-abundance (ω). By vertical, within the evolutionary period between 0 and 9 improved functionality, such as the properties of the second period of evolution, that is, the relevant principles, developed from consciousness to creation. Strictly speaking, the letter "L" is valid and familiar vertical neighborhood letters K-L-M, and an unusual horizontal D-A-T. The latter, in fact, remained in the shadows, and only the coordinates of the cell, consisting of numbers and vertical scratch with a specific number of zeros on the horizontal point to the authenticity of the sequence D (O3)-A (30)-T (300) in the evolutionary properties of .
   Looking at the matrix of natural continuity principles differently perceived and verse "ABCs of prayer" (Voice of the Observer: "I catch the sim I pray to God), and the phrase (not worthy to have the same language nikotoromu bukov svoih except Jews and Grek and Latin), speaking about the unwillingness strangers pass Slavs sacred knowledge.

- Let's have dinner together - calling Svetlana. - I believe that the most important thing you have to compare, and generally discussions are underway at conferences. Will call this Savelyeva, meet, enjoy each other ...
- You're right. Just do not write. Better hurry to publish a book. And above all, her interest in the subject to cool down. That I can not stop complaining, as disfigured semantic foundation of the Russian language. Povykidyvali letters of the alphabet, not knowing and not knowing that with them were no longer able to use the senses of the most important principles. Such as a poetic flair, self, learning ...
- The principle of "Learning" is nothing to be offended. His letter are right to its name: a psycho, psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalyst ...
- And for that so deeply offended the principle of church storage? - I did not let up - Savelyev wrote that hEr "should recognize the abbreviation" Cherubim ", taken from the Greek and Hebrew languages, carefully explain it, but we have turned the name of the letter in an indecent curse.
- For and offended - parries Svetlana - that had no tail Constantine the Philosopher of birds to show (as in the joke: Associate Ptah squeezed into a fist, one feather sticking out, and asks the student, that he had in his hand) and put the entire table to explain the principles, and the letter "X" to decorate the most beautiful colors and punish that churches keep the most valuable. Inviolable. And our people are all one - that the temple, the cathedral, the church.
- Do not inflame. You know - I object, - that ancient times "signs of Isis" communication principles and letters was sacred knowledge, only to the initiated. And they povymerli. Cyril could not really know what's what and why. Still, it may be, and the discipline of the secret storage was so violent, that would cut off or a single language, or with the head.
- That doprygalis geeks. Most secret - the dirty foul language - summed Svetik.
- Is this a great service Cyril, as given us? - I continue to talk to a very relevant topic. - I believe that he created the Slavic alphabet in full, and only made a most ancient sacred alphabet intuitive wisdom of the Slavs, supplemented it with more use principles and letters. Is not that wild wisdom of the ancient Greek myth told Scythia "Triptolemus." I would say that Cyril "combed" alphabetic characters for the Literacy writing. A Christian culture of the Slavs emerged itself as a consequence of the critical circumstances of life in the northern lands.
- Here is a Fill and a dot. You said that after finishing the book, do not sit at a desk.
- Do not sit down, do not sit down. That's just a quote from his text: "The letter" Izhitsa "(read" I "), a special purpose - to indicate a lack of late, that is, the mandatory extension"
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