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    Posted 02-09-2010 at 13:02 by sur sur is offline
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    SergeiSK's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    Lovers pofludit devoted ...
    Posted 10-08-2010 at 14:40 by SergeiSK SergeiSK is offline
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    About forumskih trolls

    Forumskim troll pisunam dedicated ...
    Posted 15-07-2010 at 14:59 by SergeiSK SergeiSK is offline
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    SergeiSK's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    How to poison the demons on the Internet

    -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

    from the newspaper "Sol. Request to the moderators do not remove the obscenities because of the song words can not erase ...

    As we know, the Internet someone is wrong, most often on the fact of his birth. If you learn how to quickly prove him wrong opponent, you will have time for food, sex and sleep. The work will not say why from the beginning of the bad.
    The theoretical part
    The first thing you must realize - with the other side of the screen no one. No one and the other side of the wire. If you are connected through "vayfay" - then you are connected directly to the international airwaves, where live the evil jealous nature. Wired leads you to the same broadcast, but through intermediaries, who sold their souls for the right to regulate, the enemy loves to slave breaker. Accordingly, if you insult someone - not remorse, nor worry, turning off TV, you do not kill all of those by a fag, which flashed on the screen. Unfortunately.
    The practical part
    In order to communicate with the entities with minimal losses, you should always keep in mind - none of them are friends. They do not need to know your real name, location and profession.
    Better use of military nicknames, think of some occupation, family composition, address and country.
    There are two common schools disguise - «Shy" and "Proud». The first involves an understatement of its success, so that suddenly strike a mortal blow to the essence of the style of "ye will not know who I am. That's unfortunate. " Yet, this school suggests the possible impact of the physical world, the world's "Real", which is sometimes difficult.
    "Proud" School success requires an exaggeration, most entities are slaves to their charms glitter, gilding, healthy nutrition and other such trappings, many of them go numb when they met with the unattainable. The disadvantage of this school is the need to conform to the image, follow some temporarily present successful and wealthy people, to understand the brands of luxury goods, that is, to spend their lives on useless things unworthy.
    Any entity on the Internet requires the identification, as a rule, the answer to a simple direct question is for the entity and the verdict, said the same: «own words to condemn, in his own words and justify the same." should be interested in the person, ask direct questions.
    For example: "Who are you?" We broadcast the demon in fact, there are many options. Few of them answers directly: "I am the demon Pazuzu, I want to eat your unborn children." However, there are some rustic devils. In this case, it is important to remember that the demons of bad tolerate militant language of slaves, in common parlance "mate".
    For example, in comments on the forum, etc., you have crossed with some kind of entity, which is hidden under the nickname "leveret 18. Asked him a direct question: "Who are you?"
    Essence said: "I am a demon, and I will come to you in dreams with tweezers for eggs.
    Your actions?
    Wrong answer - engage with the essence of a conversation on the merits, for example, to write something like: "What are you, I'm not worthy of your attention." Or: "And there is a photo tweezers?" Demons easily carry the irony, they let it go in one ear, or what they were sniffing.
    Correct answer: "Go and get a #####, ##########». This communication should be discontinued.

    As a result, you saved the irreplaceable resource - time, which, even if you do it and nothing to do, better spent on viewing the horses asses than fruitless conversations with disembodied beings.
    Sometimes the essence of hiding their true face and purpose. For example, the devil can not answer: "I Dmitri Evgrafovich Galahovsky, writer and philosopher. And you, in turn, who? "Remember - there is no web writers and philosophers, is the essence of evil, which gently stele, but hard to sleep. The correct answer here is: "In my opinion, you're old bespectacled fag. Answer and see how the "philosopher" will sprinkle half-digested by shit that comprise all these "writers", "scientists" and "philosophers".
    There is a whole category of demons, avoiding direct questions, more precisely, giving them evasive answers. Most often they answer the question of the matter. You ask this, and he replies: "Who are you?" Or: "Why do you ask?»

    To combat these require a fair amount of training, theoretical and practical. Fortunately, the literature is especially prized Germanic tradition, the works of H. von Liszt, smoothly flowing into creativity Yu Streicher beginning and middle of last century. Developed and native tradition, it is worth re-read works of Nilus, Rozanova, O. Platonova and many others.
    In capsule form, in a conversation with these crafty devils should mention the most important cultural and historical developments, in particular - the destruction of the color of Persian intellectuals with Ahasuerus, the martyrdom of a scholar and healer in the early first millennium, cooking with children's blood, the concentration of capital and the dominance small cohesive group in the media.
    Some entities in the arrogance and vanity, its use not only letters, clean text, as an expression of pure meaning, but also graphic images, his "pictures". Often, these graphic images reminiscent of the human person, as a rule, complete and devoid of vegetation in its upper part. Following the laws of hermeneutics of the hierarchy, it must be remembered, "that is above, and below. That is, if some ethereal creature in the monitor shines smooth skull, can and should be likened to shining the same parts of the body located below the belt. Also, excessive body hair person must be likened to parts of the body covered with hair from the same source, from the bottom of the body. Such comparisons repel demons and not allow them to deploy demonic demagogy, under the guise of their "opinions" hiding empty and dangerous for the soul chatter.
    Sexual division of entities expressed, but plays no role - quite often being "masculine" behavior as "female" and vice versa. Right to treat them all as beings neuter, sexless proteome. If this idea is expressed at the beginning of "conversation", it will significantly reduce it.
    To be continued.
    Vladimir Adolfych "Nesterenko
    (the newspaper "Sol" http://www.saltt.ru/node/2597 7 July 2010)
    Posted 07-07-2010 at 18:26 by SergeiSK SergeiSK is offline
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    About forumskih trolls

    You are wrong!
    He does not pay and did not sleep with anyone. It just works off kind, free working on the site. In this sense it is very profitable site, because it creates a site life, let miserable, but active. Is increas visits, increased the number of messages increase rankings. I have myself started this, if I had my own private forum.

    Good troll - this is an important thing for the promotion. This troll is very good. These roads are not the currency they need to groom and nurture.
    Posted 14-05-2010 at 23:20 by Черномашенцев Владимир Черномашенцев Владимир is offline
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    SergeiSK's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    Troll not banyat!
    It seems that he either pay or with someone sleeping.
    But this is also wrong version. He has no money, and took a hankering to troll can only sick pervert.
    Posted 25-04-2010 at 08:30 by SergeiSK SergeiSK is offline
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    SergeiSK's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    16 errors Validating

    This professional online battles will never do the following:
    • justify
    • measured by members
    • demonstratively leave the forum, and then return
    • communicate their real actions or intentions
    • to promise something that can not meet, and threaten others
    • be a "weak"
    • attributed to your messages "IMHO"
    • engage in dialogue with the trolls
    • ask people's opinions about which he knows nothing
    • «humor" in response to rudeness
    • flirt with strong, slaver
    • stand up for the "insulted"
    • make uncharacteristic for him "movement"
    • stick on the forum "clock"
    • any cost to leave the last word to a
    • persuade someone of something.
    Briefly discuss each item separately.
    Never before anyone is justified. One of the most important and beloved "polemical" techniques for "lowering" the opponent in any Internet kaloobmennike (forum, blog, LiveJournal or similar), superior performance, even " force "methods, is forcing an unwanted party to justify - at any price. The best and "win-win" tactics in this case - the publication of the interlocutor deliberate falsehood. Experienced scum do it without netsenzurschiny - it allows you to "catch" the broadest possible range of readers. The calculation is very simple: 90%crap start to rotate as snakes on a frying pan and scramble to prove that they - are not camels. The spectacle of highly pathetic and immediately conjures up the idea of "a thief and a cap on the fire.
    Never respond to "property" attacks, ie not measured by anyone members. Internet-scum very fond of playing the "vein of material" of the enemy, which is the Achilles heel of the vast majority of people, as well as men in particular. For example, write that the enemy was poor, living in slums in unhygienic conditions, wears tattered clothing, because most do not earn much, but already "rich" and give advice, etc. etc. Calculation again very primitive: 90%lowered begin swagger and bend his fingers, telling how much they earn, what plants led on what Lexus ride, and what untold wealth have. Spectacle extremely amusement and equally pathetic. Remember that in the wrong hands is always thicker than dick.
    never produces demarches, ie not leave the Party openly. And especially do not come back after that. Any declared care - a play on the audience, pathetic clowning, indicating that the person is really offended, insulted, crushed. First, you must be a complete fool, to climb into the dregs of society. Secondly, if we got, you need to be a fool in the box to be offended. Thirdly, if it offended you need to be a fool in the cube, to make public their snot. A really go after this - it's like that sign that you are a pathetic spineless weakling.
    Never give a virtual audience that you are doing or intend to do. Statements from the series "And I'll drink coffee in his office in Paris" or "I must now depart for a holiday in Nice, but then come back and you will!" - Look like a complete loser and kitsch but did not cause laughter.
    Never and do not threaten anyone, and especially through the Internet. Do you remember the simple truth: the one who really wants to hurt someone, he never his "victim" does not warn. Blow struck like a bolt from the sky, an order of magnitude more painful.
    Do not react to the eruption of testosterone. Anyone who offers a "contest" on the theme "A little for you ..." or "You're a peasant or not?" In most cases a small station гопником with the appropriate level of development of the brain. Obviously, a good pair he could reach only the exact same Gopnik-loser. You - Gopnik? Or failure?
    never attributed to their reported "IMHO. Any sensible person it is obvious that everything that goes out under his "pen", belongs to him the same. Therefore, to ascribe to his own thoughts "IMHO" or "IMO" - which actually means "this statement belongs to me" - a rare sign of dementia. Normal people, when quoting someone, take the passage in quotation marks and the end point to the source.
    Special comment for mudachya who do not know what IMHO, but wrote. IMHO=Russification of English reduce IMHO, that means In My Humble Opinion. Literal translation: "in my humble opinion." Ie written garbage and ascribed to it IMHO - that surely know someone is shitting opinion or statement.
    never enter into a dialogue with "trolls".
    Troll - a person (usually having multiple virtual names, simulating mass "attack"), whose main task is perpetrated by squabbling, rolling the unproductive debate on track, provoking the panelists at the swearing by any means. Objective: zapsit unwanted subject or slaughtering objectionable author. Always remember that the trolls are exclusively the reactions of other people. It should respond to the troll at least once - and will become a chain reaction, virtually irreversible, ie Troll's mission will be fulfilled and all the rest to his ears covered with shit. If the fecal water - this is exactly for what you came to the debate will certainly join the troll in the conversation.
    Do not ask people's opinion about which you know nothing. In the internet age, every brainless creature had the opportunity to become a virtual "guru". Need to be clinical asshole, to ask advice on a virtual bazaar.
    Never try to respond to rudeness "humor". There is a wonderful saying: "The irony - a mask for insecurity." There is nothing more stupid and humiliating than the start of humor, joking and grinning in response to the manifestation of aggression. "Joker" with this look beaten and crushed.
    Do not fawn and flirt with the strong.
    The most disgusting what they do weak, spineless people - approve and "tap on the shoulder" strong. It is expressed in replicas like: "Petrovich - Bravo! So them! ". Such cries are an integral feature of worthless, wretched fellows who come to the discussion for "extras". It is not even supporting actor - so, decorative trash.
    Never encourages and does not stand up for anyone else. Strong "players" do not need anyone's support or encouragement - they tear as any Tuzik heater. If you're behind someone "ill" or sympathize, someone - help him not idiotic cries from the field, but the real factor. If you can not say anything on the case stuff the cable language asshole.
    never rolls back to the level of "abuser".
    No other action does not discredit the character as "treason" to its basic principles of behavior. Especially disgusting looks like a situation where first polite and cultural interlocutor slips into the standard kitchen spats.
    Do not sit in the network around the clock. When a man hangs on some resource around the clock, which is reflected in the constant monitoring of events and messages that appear almost immediately after the "enemy", it means only one thing: the man is in a state of frenzy, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He does not need it nikchemen, gray and lame.
    never sought to leave the last word for himself.
    Togo, who in any discussion leaves the last word for himself, in another called "every asshole plug.
    never convince someone in your righteousness.
    In fact, there are only two rock solid tactics of behavior in online communication, allowing to suppress any enemy: the most dirty, aggressive style with a hard nenormativa and techniques "below the belt", maximum or indifferent, uncaring, extremely restrained style without a single obscene word. And in fact, and in another case, you'll get his.
    Posted 17-09-2009 at 09:38 by SergeiSK SergeiSK is offline
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    Тютчев's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    Troll in the natural environment. Filmed by hidden cameras are risking their lives.

    This is very scary (the faint of heart please do not watch):

    Posted 17-09-2009 at 01:57 by Тютчев Тютчев is offline
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    Posted 16-09-2009 at 12:49 by SergeiSK SergeiSK is offline
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    About forumskih trolls

    I wrote some phrases in one of the themes of the forum. Well, as easy to guess everything was removed. Yet if "trollizm" would be too obviously progressing, then answer trolls with quotations from the study of it
    Posted 16-09-2009 at 12:46 by SergeiSK SergeiSK is offline
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    Nedogonov's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    Thank you, SergeiSK! This is straight, a portrait from life ... Oil painting ... The serious scientific study and very topical
    We ought to debate it in the forum post.
    Posted 16-09-2009 at 09:28 by Nedogonov Nedogonov is offline
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    About forumskih trolls

    Or our angrier?

    He just smaller ... spirit is the same.
    Posted 16-09-2009 at 03:30 by appolinary appolinary is offline
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    Тютчев's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    These trolls pokruche our will! : eek: Or our more evil? : confused:
    Posted 15-09-2009 at 21:54 by Тютчев Тютчев is offline
  14. Old Comment
    SergeiSK's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    Thank God that the forum troll just one. But a well-fed!
    And here's another couple of them. By the way this idols of the local troll
    Posted 15-09-2009 at 20:31 by SergeiSK SergeiSK is offline
  15. Old Comment
    Тютчев's Avatar

    About forumskih trolls

    Thank you, Sergey, for our forum, this article is very relevant! We on the forum long ago made it a troll! The first article provides an opportunity to recognize and identify it for those who still do not understand! Everyone should read this article!
             Sergei, you noticed how echoes the article that was written several times on the forum? And now you, please, it is not just our problem!
    Posted 15-09-2009 at 15:00 by Тютчев Тютчев is offline

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