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We photograph children, tips, how to take pictures of children

Запись от Владлен1234 размещена 11.06.2011 в 12:58

Pictures of children - is extremely exciting and rewarding. When we take pictures of children - many photos does not happen. So like any good picture - it is primarily natural and heartfelt emotion, but who else can be recorded on the face of such a genuine joy, incredible surprise, a deep resentment, boundless curiosity? Only a child. Therefore, the first council, which is practically a law of photographing children ...
Photography must be arranged so that in no case the child does not shut down emotionally from the photographer. If a child is scared of something, feel the tension, he goes to, will be unnatural and alienated. On this you can stop shooting. Nothing good is from this photo shoot did not happen. Survey should be postponed until the next time.
To not receive the same pictures that are of interest only to parents, it is necessary to think of stories shoots. Nobody will be interested in regular dozens of photos that you have done with the child in the house. Variety of subjects - a pledge of successful photo shoots. For example, you can do a photo session the child in autumn park, and then in the winter, you can make holiday photo shoot baby - a birthday, a new year and so on. Kid on the sea, kid at the zoo, the kid at the circus, kid dancing. You can come up with a lot of stories, there is a will and imagination.
Especially difficult to photograph very young children who have little to do. They are mostly either eat or sleep or sit on the handles of his parents. In this case, too, can make interesting photos. First, trying to cause strong emotions in the little face at the kid. Let the kid is laughing, smiling, writhing hilarious faces. All of this will look great in photos. Secondly, photographing very tiny models can give interesting and unique photographs using props - toys, pyramids, tableware, flowers, all things that can take pictures of the baby, but that will not be dangerous for him. Channel >
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