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Light in art (cycles of public sentiment)

Posted 07-02-2014 at 19:34 by Gnesterov

      Just ran out of the 20th century and started 21 ... Today we live in a new century , a new reality . There is a feeling some changes in our perception , our sentiments , in reality.
      What happened , what has changed? Try to understand .
      Recently I came across a book by the Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset, the characteristic title " Dehumanization of Art ." In this book, written in 1925, is the characteristics of modern European art and the author analyzes its main principles .
       In order to understand our current problems , we need to match them with the day yesterday . The main problem , according to the author , is withdrawn it in the header - this " dehumanization of art " that is, the artist and highlights the opposition of the people , which refers to revolutionizing the nature of art , the struggle with the " crowd ", with " philistines ", the art of the last century. The author notes the unpopularity of "modern" art , as it is a characteristic and a line of principle . Contempt for the man and his feelings and emotions , to all the "human" , to morals and habits and appeal to "the mind" , to abstract and formal , that is detached from the concrete reality of the principles. Not coincidentally, Ortega y Gasset says legendary establishment of romanticism in the 19th century and compares the art "modern" - if winning romanticism met public violently , emotionally, with tears and exclamations of delight , the "new" art was perceived cold, aloof , in half-empty halls. Quote: " ... The new art is obviously not art for everyone, such as romantic art : the new art refers to a particularly gifted minority ... It is not national in its very essence , and moreover, it is anti-people ..." "... a new art shares the audience into two classes - those who understand and those who do not understand it, that is on artists and those artists are not ... " and again:" Poetry today - it's higher algebra of metaphors . " Advocating for the "new" art, he calls for " submit to the imperative , which dictates the era ... "
        But back to our time. The "new" art has long been old and if not accepted by the majority of the public heart , then, in any case , clear and familiar , no one is surprised and not shocking respectable art museums. Now it is itself a new canon , a role model.
        But life does not stand still . Living reality spreads wide , free flow , not lying down in any frame and canons . Moreover, more recently working properly canons otlivshiesya in static , rigid forms themselves become obstacle to the progress of society .
        We know what has led the division of society into classes and castes , where the interests of some other interests opposed . I'm not saying that people do not differ from each other - these differences are, and not small . But, just as in humans , the cells of the brain, heart, liver and muscles with the full contrast , smoothly and harmoniously work in the common interest , and similar should happen in society if it is to prosper .
        So people , let alone an artist , feeling different from others , should not cultivate a sense of superiority and contempt for others , on the contrary , should and need to cultivate benevolence, compassion and tolerance for otherness of others, to try to understand and be understood .
        This can be done , if not to reinstate the canceled 20th century "feeling" , without which comprehend the "integrity " of the world and man.
        Time is changing - centrifugal tendencies are replaced by centripetal . The epoch of simplification , a world of flat , two-dimensional , is transformed into a multi-dimensional , having r l y n o b and d.
        In this new world without the concept of light is not enough - he binds and unites .

        Grigory Nesterov

www.art-fakt.com[email protected] gnesterov.blog.tut.by
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  1. Old Comment
    This text is in tune with the theme of the exhibition dedicated to Mark Rothko, passing now (c5 on February 15, 2014) in Minsk, "Museum of Modern Art" - "Light Source"
    Posted 07-02-2014 at 19:55 by Gnesterov Gnesterov is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Posted 07-02-2014 at 20:01 by Gnesterov Gnesterov is offline

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