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Запись от Про искусство размещена 27.12.2018 в 14:30

Why 400 years, all children wore dresses, and how to distinguish between girls and boys in the same clothes.

Почему мальчики 400 лет носили платья.

Why do boys 400 years wore dresses..

Even until the beginning of the last century little boys and girls are not very-то differed from each other with their outfits. In our days this fact of course leads to confusion and raises many questions. And a little over 100 years ago it was the absolute norm, not only in Europe but also in many countries of the world where the boys, ranging from infancy to adolescence, wore dresses..

Мальчик в белом. (ок. 1641 год). Автор: Дирк ван Сантвоорт.

the Boy in white. (C. 1641). Author: Dirk van Santvoort.

... what these dresses were long and frilly, adorned with ruffle, lace and embroidery, caps and hats also meet the robe. This is what we can judge from the paintings of the Flemish masters of depicting in their paintings, usually small, of the heirs of the great world. Starting from 17th century artists will write a great many portraits of the kids, which will show the present generations about the strangeness of the past centuries.

the Role of dress in the wardrobe of a little boy

«Портрет Людовика XV» (1712 год). Автор: Пьер Гоберт.

" Портрет Louis XV" (1712). Author: Pierre Gobert.

Tradition to wear offspring to dress in noble and wealthy families came to the middle of the 16th century. And what"s interesting, dress, as an accessory of women"s wardrobe at the time was not perceived as a symptom of gender differences, but rather meant that the boy is under custody of mother, under her skirt, that is totally dependent on her. Hence all familiar with the expression @-" мамина юбка".

«Лидия Элизабет Хоар, леди Эклэнд, с сыновьями Томасом и Артуром» (1814-1815 г.г.) Автор: Томас Лорес.

" Лидия Elizabeth Hoare, lady Acland, sons Thomas and Arthur" (1814-1815 gg) Author: Thomas lores.

«Портрет А.Г.Бобринского в детстве» (1760 год.) Автор: Ф.Рокотов.

" Портрет A. G. Bobrinsky in childhood" (1760.) Author: F. Rokotov.

In panties and breeches little boy was dressed when his or her upbringing and development of personality was joined by his father or tutor. In aristocratic houses on this occasion arranged a holiday, which became a milestone between childhood and adolescence of the future men.

Французский герцог Гастон Орлеанский.

the French Duke Gaston of Orleans.

When the boy got his first pants.

Три старших ребенка Карла Первого. (В центре двухлетний Яков II). (1635-1636 г.г.) Автор:  Ван Дейк.

Three senior child of Charles the First. (Center two-year James II). (1635-1636 gg) Author: van Dyck.

Strict rules at what age does a boy have to take the dress off and dress pants did not exist, it was decided purely on the family Council. But the majority of it took place when the child turns 6-7 years. In this regard, the family tried to arrange a family celebration that will long be remembered was the child. From the history of known cases where the boy was given pants 3-летнем age, and there were those @- when dressing up happened in 18 years that was a rare exception.

Портрет принца Балтазара Карлоса в охотничьей одежде. Автор: Диего Веласкес.

the Portrait of Prince Baltazar Carlos in hunting dress. Author: Diego Velazquez.

Interesting is the fact that sometimes the child as a punishment for unacceptable prank or provino could change from pants to dress to the little rascal thought about his act or not pious acts and began to behave his age.

So, again, why boys wore dresses?

Портрет мальчика. (1620-1630-е годы.) Автор: Неизвестный фламандский художник.

portrait of a boy. (1620-1630-е years.) Author: Unknown Flemish painter.

Yes, it"s very simple... There are several reasons, the first of which lay in the commonplace tradition, instructing not to divide young children into genders, that is male and female. This separation occurred much later, at a more Mature age, when the boys were given pants and girls @- skirts. Partly this was facilitated by the conservatism of our ancestors who were less prone to various changes, including in clothes.

Маленький мальчик с хлыстом. Неизвестный художник. 1840-е годы.

a Little boy with a whip. Unknown artist. 1840-е years.

Most researchers tend to believe that dresses for small children was a lot easier to answer nature"s call. And as the need for regular washing and buying clothes at that time was tight, much more practical and profitable to sew and to buy boys dresses for growth @- this is another reason to wear boys dresses.

Портрет мальчика в костюме охотника с козой и собакой. (1670-е годы). Автор: Николас Мас.

portrait of a boy dressed as a hunter with a goat and a dog. (1670-е years). Author: Nicolas Mas.

and very important was that to wash the baby, wearing a dress, and dress is much easier than in other garments. Besides myself and the baby quite a long time to deal with the complex design of men"s pants in those times.

«Портрет маленького мальчика с игрушечным пистолетом и собакой». Автор: Дэвид Лудерс./ «Портрет Уильяма Эллиса Гослинга». Автор: Генри Уильям Бичи.

" Портрет little boy with a toy gun and dog". Author: David Luders./" Портрет William Ellis Gosling". Author: Henry William Beechey.

a girl or a boy?

Мальчик с яблоком. (1664 год). Автор: Цезарь ван Эвердинген./ Портрет девочки (ок. 1680 года). Автор: Аерт де Гелдер.

the boy with the Apple. (1664). Author: Caesar van Everdingen./ Portrait of a girl (CA. 1680). Author: Aert de Gelder.

to the Uninitiated, people are very difficult representatives of a strong half of mankind, dressed in children"s lace dresses, to distinguish from girls. And because modern man could combine the idea of the times only by the portraits of old painters or photographers, historians say with confidence that there are a few ways to distinguish boys from girls at these portraits.

Портрет годовалой девочки из семьи ван дер Бурх. (1650-е гг.) Автор: Альбер Кёйп/ Портрет Дирка Алевайна 1640-е гг. Автор: Дирук ван Сантвоорту.

Portrait year old girl from the family of van der Burch. (1650-е.) Author: albert Cuyp/ Portrait of Dirk Alevina 1640-е. Author: van Dirac Santvoort.

an Important detail differences were the color and location of buttons on clothing: boys " dresses, as a rule, was darker and more closed, a heavy fabric, and the buttons were sewn on the front of them@the semicolon and the dresses the girls had a more calm tone, hiding the buttons, and the bodice, in the likeness of women"s dresses, was more open.

Мальчик с козлом. (1646год). Неизвестный художник./ Портрет Эмилии Антверпианы Оранье-Нассау (ок. 1582 года). Автор: Даниель ван Квеборн.

the Boy with the goat. (1646год). Unknown artist./ Portrait of Amelia Antwerpian Oran-Нассау (C. 1582). Author: Daniel van Coborn.

Yet there was one important difference: girls with her hair parted in the middle @- center and the boys @- oblique or shortened bangs. Also, they used to cut my hair shorter, but some moms grew their curls and the boys.

Старший мальчик с клюшкой для колфа. (1631 год). Автор: Вибранд де Гест.

the older boy with a stick for colfa. (1631). Author: Wybrand de Gest.

to determine belonging to the sex of the child depicted, the artists, for example put in the hands of the boys, a whip, a toy horse, the simulated weapons and the girls @the doll - or other suitable object.

past traditions are eloquent not only of the canvases and photographs made over the last 200 years.

Императрица Мария Федоровна с сыном Николаем – будущим императором Николаем II

Empress Maria Feodorovna with her son Nicholas, the future Emperor Nicholas II

over time you adjust and in General dresses for boys. For a long period of time, the length of the hem of the dress reached the floor. And already the mid 1820-х years they were cropped @- approximately to the knee. And now from-под hem visible short trousers. This is now a combination of wardrobe items @- from dresses and trousers, survived until the early 20th century.

Алексей – Наследник Цесаревич и Великий Князь, пятый ребенок и единственный сын Николая II.

Alexei, Tsarevich and Grand Duke, the fifth child and only son of Nicholas
Президент США Франклин Рузвельт./ Португальский король Мануэл II.

US President Franklin Roosevelt./ Portuguese king Manuel II.

" Голубое" and" розовое"

And only in the early 30-х years of the last century, based on the theory of Freud, proved in their scientific works, that small children are not asexual creation, industry light industry put young children in" голубое" and" розовое". Thus, by removing the wardrobes of kids, boys " dresses, in memory of which there are only a baptismal shirts.

what is Surprising is that tradition, which for 400 years had been unshakeable for almost a decade is gone. An important role is also played by the educational reform, based on which children of both sexes jointly to attend a public school and wear uniforms: girls — skirts, boys — pants.

Крестины малыша Джорджа.

the Christening of baby George.

Interesting is the fact that nowadays in Britain the Royal family of the Holy complies with the age-old family traditions. So, Prince William and Kate Middleton christened baby George in lace dress created exactly-в-точь from the original dress of the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, made in 1841. While all the heirs to the crown of Britain were baptized in the same or similar outfits.

Source: https://kulturologia.EN/blogs/100918/40422/

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