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Ivan Davidov on-criticized "scientific report Zapesotsky

Запись от Марат Гельман размещена 15.03.2010 в 19:48

about which I wrote here http://maratguelman.livejournal.com/1420172.html

report itself here http://www.imepi-eurasia.ru/baner/Zapes < /wbr> ocky.pdf

AS Zapesotsky, by the way - a member of many academies with strange names and even the Honored Artist of Russia, since 2003. And since 2009 - also the victim. Journalists Sank-Petersburg and Leningrad region, offended by remarks such as "the journalistic community, in fact, betrayed his profession, turned her into a dirty criminal business, dashed off to the academician-actor denunciation to the prosecutor. Being, say, a consequence.

But this is so, Preamble. Although clarifying, perhaps some points of the scientific report. Intention and motivation of the author, for example.

with scientism, however, the report from the outset, questions arise. From the first row covers the reader a pleasant sense of recognition - the image of the valuer, greedily to a serious dispute, every sign, if not from personal experience, from the literature. VM Shukshin, "cut».

amazing taste cocktail, that is, sorry, the report provides a mixture of ; the correct proportions of two components: on the one hand, we have deprived the plan, do not hold anything stream of consciousness (and therefore, the author, at least not deny the sincerity), on the other - the language works, too happy. The last chapter, for example, is called "The Fatherland is in danger." Well, there are turnovers like "Scientists are sounding the alarm».

sorry, peasants are not players warn.

The result is a column of patriotic < /wbr> publicist in a homemade site with free hosting. Of those who are so fond of quoting frivolous bloggers. Not without bonuses: usually patriotic publicist though verbose, but somehow limited volume. Professor Zapesotsky turned right on to twenty-eight pages.

And, despite the chaotic structure, the text is even a certain logic. In fact, quite predictable.

Before its reconstruction, it is necessary to make a final caveat: despite the grandiose name , it is in the opus, the fact of television. Or rather - on the first and second channels.

So. Television tells us Alexander, first, tightly controlled by the authorities. This, of course, an unexpected discovery. But - alas! - controlled only in the political its parts. All that does not apply to games with the electorate, given at the mercy of television.

And there scum. Well, that is, literally. Spit on the educative function of the media. Not form a moral and spiritual space of the country (incidentally, an interesting combination: it is, at least, makes suspect the existence of spiritual beznravsvtennogo, say, space, or, conversely, non-spiritual and moral), merged with the criminals, create a consumer society and propagated liberal fundamentalism.

What, as we teach Chinese comrades, long since outlived its usefulness. Link to the profile of the Chinese comrades in the text is present, along with a recommendation to adopt the positive experience of China in the regulation of the media.

Then there's something else interesting - a liberal fundamentalism, as it appears from the report - not explicitly formulated by, but de facto adopted at the official level, the ideology RF. Its essence is that any action is evaluated only in terms of market efficiency. There is a suspicion - it's not written, professor at the University of Trade Unions was his opus That way, in 1992, did not hide it - a risk to life - in a safe hiding place in those terrible times when the country's raging gang Yeltsin? I watched it at all during the past ten years, TV? Does what happens in the country, which images of the future, present and past imposing power to the people through its self-controlled media?

seems to be represents. The names are correct, knows, at least. Power, tells us Zapesotsky, exactly the same as immoral, and how the media is, however, two exceptions - would never guess who we'll show you - VV Putin DA and Medvedev, but even the energy of these titans is not enough to stop the rampant mediyschikov and their patrons.

another matter in the USSR. There, the media tightly controlled party, but the party had gone, and everything began to fall. The sad experience required - the state should go in the open, without reservations, and begin to regulate the media. Unclear, however, than the corrupt, liberal-fundamentalist state here to help persecuted citizens, though ... If Medvedev DA and Putin VV personally occupy ... The main thing - to adjust.

regulation - generally, the keyword for the logic Zapesotsky. Claims against the media seem to be expected, and even the vocabulary is not very different from Telekritika, with samples which anyone can read, listening to the conversations of old women at the entrance. Media, instead of bring good feelings, the fruit of indifferent potreblentsev, daydreaming about sex and violence. In the developed countries - as an example, in addition to China, is still the United Kingdom, - the company controls the activities of journalists, squeezing out of the profession immoral types, and on TV - unwanted subjects.

In Russia, the society is powerless against raspoyasovshimisya thugs with TV, and, moreover, the media even law is not limited. Well, almost nothing. At least, our professor convinced.

However, this is not the only example of knowledge of the subject, the deep, of course, and thin. As a living example of immorality, malicious, almost, sabotage, destroying the foundations of the spiritual space of society, is the transfer of "Windows". Which is not enough that does not exceed five years already, so still and was lapped up in his time with the mega American program for housewives - "Jerry Springer Show.

And in the U.S., it seemed to us to get acquainted with the scientific report of Professor Zapesotsky, all, like, bad with control over the media. The laws, with courts in other such nonsense.

Incidentally, besides the "windows" to the concrete Alexander drawn only once, when he told story commercial chocolate "Alenka". Exposing more precisely, its anti-people nature. Generally, it's frightening to think what it turns out, the abyss. We have something, naive people who thought it was - just a cute video: A little girl eating chocolate. So no, the enemies of Russia taught our young people for laziness and apathy.

good that there are still people capable ; expose their machinations.

anything more about real TV, our author does not know. Evidence of that - a touching and naive story about how the manager of the advertising agency receives a rollback. What is the story, among other things, proves that the soul of Zapesotsky AS - downright childlike. Net. Almost holy.

way, it should remember. This, as will be shown below, it is important.

Thus, the scale of the tragedy clear. What to do? A Professor is.

First, the text scattered vague hints of a positive ideal. For example, as it turns out, the newspaper Izvestia in times bygone wrote that in Russia two competing types of attitude to life - Petersburg, intellectuals, and , Moscow, new Russian-rude, of course. The first roughly correspond to "liberal fundamentalism", the second is a hybrid of Confucianism with the hypocrisy of the Soviet spill. This is no accident, because, says our author, a man brought up by the Soviet media was on the evolutionary ladder a few rungs higher than a moral monster, bought off Russia's media.

Looking down the notes, it appears that the newspaper" Izvestia "is not in itself has reached such a fine opposition. Author of the cited article - someone Zapesotsky AS, a man of amazing modesty.

with ideals, ie understandable. First restoration project declared indistinctly, then - in the final theses - becomes quite recognizable features. Media - is hinting to us by - not only a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer, builder of communist ..., that is, of course, spiritual and moral space, and educator of the masses. Good Shepherd.

But ideally, but to achieve the ideal is what is necessary.

state must return to the direct Regulation of ideological and moral and artistic aspects of the media. It is the same - in fact, in company with some vague institutions of civil society - must develop a new system of media management. Next - the divorce of commercial and content sides of the media, and the tightening of legislation. Next - in general, all interesting. Paragraph five - the introduction of censorship. Item six - cleansing series. The State shall expel tainted Surnames myself ... no, but something tells us that the list here would largely coincided with the list of signatures Zapesotsky complaint to the prosecutor.

Well, four more points on the little things.

Brilliant. There is uncertainty only one question - where the subject? Who dare to take responsibility for the large-scale change? To have enough knowledge, moral authority, courage, finally, to act a mediator between the government and media, saddle, so to speak, the process and save the fatherland. Here in fact need a holy well, or, almost sacred.

answer our author's modesty does not, but the reader he clear and true. Well, of course, fearless surgeon, was not afraid to reveal this spiritual abscess, original and subtle thinker, a folk artist and a full member, in after all, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (here because even a combination of ; behalf of the society for the Russian spirituality is not accidental, it is a sign of the devil, above) Zapesotsky!

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